Don't usually post on the weekends, but I was inspired to make a few eljay icons, and so... here's a post on a Saturday for you.
These are both from my favorite anime/manga series of all time: Legend of Basara.
In particular, the main character, Sarasa, is rather admirable for a Shoujo anime/manga heroine. She's not perfect, but she's not a bumbling idiot who can't do anything for herself without her man either. In general, I like Shoujo stuff, sappy or no, but I like it much better when I have some respect for the heroine too. Sarasa is my all time favorite anime / manga female character because she's competent, introspective, intelligent, and imperfect.
The story is epic, the plot is believable and very complex, and one of the best things about it is that there is no clear good side or bad side (although you watch the series from Sarasa's POV, which makes her by default the "good side").
The anime is only 13 eps, and it's not licensed in R1. Viz has the manga (which is better since it finishes the story), but I wish they would just go ahead and license the anime too so that we can have both.
Anyway, I have the R2 DVDs because they were so cheap for R2s and this is my favorite series (so really, no cost is going to be too high), at 13eps over 3DVDs, each DVD 3800yen (~$30ea). Yes, that's cheap for a Japanese region disc. Very cheap, in fact. The third DVD in particular, which has only 3 eps on it, has as an extra of the manga artist, Tamura Yumi, doing a special on "How to Draw Basara Art Illustrations", complete with screen toning and everything! It was very very interesting to watch.
To make these icons, I had to whip out the R2 DVDs as there isn't much image source out there on the net for this series. Unfortunately, WinDVD (the version I have at least) doesn't have screen capture abilities like PowerDVD does, so I ganked C's PowerDVD trial version disc and installed it instead.
That said, I have a "new" DVD drive since I last popped in an R2 DVD, and it bitched about the region as usual, telling me I have 4 region switches to go before it locks the region permanently. Guess I'm going to have to hose my DVD-ROM's firmware at some point so that I can keep it from locking into R2. *sigh*
The first icon came from the middle of ep 13. The second icon is an image from the manga artbooks, but since this image in the artbook is spread over two pages (and so would be difficult to scan without ripping the artbook apart), I decided to do a capture of it from the ending sequence instead, which pans over artbook images to music. :)
Still need to get sound working on my computer again. I managed to hose it while testing the new video card that I sent to my sister, and now I can't get any kind of sound despite having both on-board sound AND a sound card peripheral!
(I prefer using the sound card, personally)
Blah, I hate computer woes!