We are still alive, though after a bout of gastro and a seperate virus, all thanks to Georgina, I haven't always felt it.
I am back at work next week. Where did the last six months go. The World Cup seems like ages away, and here I am watching New Zealand and Slovakia poke the ball around. That said, I am a bit annoyed. This may sound materialistic, but I may need to buy a new TV, as the picture on our giant CRT TV is skrinking slowly but surely. The problem isn't the potential death of a TV in themiddle of something good, like a great goal or the latest episode of QI, but I will no longer be able to utter the words, "I've never bought a television." It's All of mine have been hand-me-downs, or in the case of the safe-sized one we have, inherited. This amazing run after fourteen years of independence will soon come to the end. Unless we win one, or an unlikely benefactor gives us one. So heckle me, I will be buying a TV. For some people that is the height of everything which is wrong with the country. But damn if I am going to miss Time Team.
In other news, Georgina is 11 months old, standing everywhere and threatening to walk. Nothing is safe any more.
Oh, and I'm back on radio, or at least online radio, at the UQ-run jacradio.com.au. Yes, it is Musicality again. And at the moment there are no talkbreaks - just a music mix until I get to a microphone. Each episode gets three broadcasts: Friday 9am, Monday 10pm and Wednesday 7pm - all Australian Eastern Standard time. See: