Aug 12, 2022 16:15
Barely a mention, barely a glimpse, the thing we cannot see and the thing we cannot allow ourselves to see. I can’t imagine a better memorial than the ringing of a bell through all eternity. So that I can always remember, so that I can never forget, that tone will live and resonate within me. Bury myself in blankets and blankets of noise, layers of fuzz I cannot even think myself through. All encompassing, a ringing bell’s tone that resonates awake my very DNA, to genes that had been asleep for generations. We lose track but we never lose touch, as our genes are a path that we can always follow back to our own quiet heart, and there, in that most familiar chamber, our ancestors wait for us to return. If nothing else but to comment on
Dynamics of attention. A hyperattentive person, hypervigilant and aware, makes those around him tense. As if we, too, become readied for the impending inevitable.
Blue neon stretched face blond hair, pulled back into a deep hole, devouring herself Piss sprinkler spy camspread eagle toe to toe with a The crumbling opera house ceiling recedes to reveal Stay alive as long as you can, guns blazing, raiding tombs and other. No, no, the suction of the scene back into a tunnel Delicious raccoon ice cream stand, mother with wheels on her paws. Sing a song of I can taste pop music like fake leather smell, eager to solve the biological problem.
Leg twitches, keeping steady time, far above. Can I slip in, quick, while you’re away? Nobody notices anything going on down here. Hidden from the world.