Emotional Signature of Spiritual Relationship

Mar 06, 2015 01:20

Or oral traditions, yes -- some way of sharing an experience with those close to you. I consider this oral tradition, stories and evocation through song, to be something distinct from book knowledge. While, yes, if we consider the Finnish Kalevala runolaulu or "rune singing" tradition, it is myth expressed in words, yet the trance state entered by the rune singers, or the communal way two will clasp and rock to the rhythm of the song, these are where the experience of the stories comes up through the body, and where the magick of the words is said to exist (Any Finnish boy or girl knows that if you sing a rune backwards, it will destroy the spell!)

Icaros, too, are songs which have a message, much like a book, yet it is only when this message is expressed with the voice, in the melody that the spirits have given you, that the evocation occurs. You are using that gifted song to call back the gift giver, that ancestor or guardian spirit whose emotional signature is held in that sacred melody. Any way to recall the emotional signature of that relationship, between medium and spiritual entity, will suffice to call him, supposedly, but, regardless of the means, it is a very distinct state-of-consciousness the shaman must enter in order to send out that call. He must cross over into that non-ordinary range, cross that boundary, as if his call cannot travel to where it must be heard until he is in that very specific trance state. I assume, as one collects power animals and helpers, the "fine tuning" of consciousness required to recall each of those distinct entities must involve monumental feats of focus and subjective discernment! Star athletes of spirit!
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