Acknowledging The Relationship Between The Orchestration of Coincidence By Spirit and Life Path

Oct 23, 2012 02:32

In reading more of Rosemary's thoughts in the "Intention, Quietude, and Slowing" chapter (Anderson, 2011), I noticed I had underlined an interesting quote by her:

One can observe not only the object of inquiry, but also what happens in its vicinity or context. Noticing various environmental events (curious things that just happen, relevant readings or other useful resources that present themselves) can provide expanded understanding of what is being studied. Environmental events (synchronicities, serendipitous occurrences) can even provide forms of confirmation or affirmation that one is on the right track, and they may also indicate negations or warnings that one is proceeding in a way that is not useful or wise. Such observations and lessons are part of what has been called the 'context of discovery'; although crucial in any form of research, these real-life influences are rarely mentioned in formal research reports. (p. 189)

As best I can tell, in that underlined text, she is acknowledging the orchestration of coincidence by spirit, and that orchestration’s alignment or misalignment with our intended life path -- not OUR intent, mind you, but theirs, as signified by the synchronicity being consciously created (by something) as a “form of confirmation,” as she says.

Interestingly, I had been writing about this very topic recently, when struggling with hurdle after hurdle attempting to be accepted into Sofia U, and then the further cohort struggles after my acceptance. Briefly transcribed:

Difficulty In Accomplishing Life Goals Interpreted As A Measure of Their Alignment/Misalignment With Spiritual Purpose

·       The unambiguous ease of accomplishment and orchestration of coincidence experienced during periods of high spiritual connectivity implies the possibility of several scenarios:

-      Choices and actions which misalign with spiritual intention are not similarly supported, or are even actively inhibited from occurring.

-      Misfortune and the inhibited accomplishment of goals represents interaction with a distinctly different class of entities, who work within the realm of coincidence, free of the temporal restraint which we are accustomed.

Admittedly, the moment you throw in that word “entities,” things get pretty far out, but I cannot imagine any other interpretation for Rosemary’s describing something conscious of her life choices, providing feedback (both warnings and affirmations) in order to confirm its presence and awareness of her life, if NOT spirit.

Anderson, R., & Braud, W. (2011). Transforming self and others through research: Transpersonal research methods and skills for
 the human sciences and humanities. Albany, NY: Suny Press.

coincidence, rosemary anderson, integral, synchronicity, transpersonal, research, spirit

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