The "Beyond-Within" and Symbiotic Evolution

Aug 15, 2012 21:48

The ascent to a higher bandwidth of consciousness is an inward motion -- that is to say, a non-physical motion. This inward expanse is traversed, in a very literal sense, via a change in subjective depth.  Inward depth can be mapped and understood in terms of frequency, like anything else; when arranged as a spectrum, specific and highly individualized ranges of consciousness are bound into bandwidths, like the individual colors of a rainbow. Traversing these boundaries, say to ranges of frequency above or below our visible spectrum (our narrow bandwidth "home" on the larger Electromagnetic Spectrum) does not come without difficulty. Yet, like tuning our radio dial from its regular station to a higher or lower channel, so, all at once, we can hear whole different cultures, distant foreign music and languages, or whole previously-unheard conversations about things occurring currently. This metaphor of a radio dial, and of the existence of higher and lower "stations" of consciousness, which a person can tune into, can be applied to get a real sense of where and when non-physical entities can "see"  you -- they perceive you when you ascend, or "tune in" to their particular "station" of consciousness.

As this inward expanse, the locations of subjective depth, is not of a physical aspect of nature, these "stations"  could be considered locations beyond the 3rd dimension: the beyond-within. It is only natural that we, like all species, gradually evolve to perceive higher and more subtle aspects of our surroundings. If some aspect of science, technology, or a symbiotic relationship with another living thing is shown to aid this upward development of our perceptual capacity, so be it! That fact does not invalidate the legitimacy of that perception, or the range of consciousness it reveals.

If the study of human evolution has taught us anything, it is that we have developed beyond this isolate "bag of skin" and now evolve symbiotically, technologically, and socially -- not individually. Tools became our species' key to dominating natural selection...

Yet, we've come to the limits of our physical tools efficaciousness. In order to progress, our next advancement must be leaning to wield and control the non-physical tools; those of the mind.

  • Rory Heikkila Please explain to me how we, as a collective species, are 'evolving' to perceive anything 'finer' about our surroundings? Unless our lack of will in accepting these perceptions are the cause of our overall current despondent state of affairs. Certain man, special men(and women), will notice and adhere. Most will not. And it's not actually a growth because it's always been this way. Since the dawn of consciousness itself.
    5 hours ago · "}" style="font-size: 11px; font-weight: normal; color: gray; ">Like

  • Rory Heikkila ‎*is the cause..sorry
    5 hours ago · "}" style="font-size: 11px; font-weight: normal; color: gray; ">Like

  • Rory Heikkila You group yourself in too much with the herd with these types of thoughts :)

    Kaleb Smith Rory, try barometric pressure and the patterns of meteorological systems, as just the first example that comes to mind of the higher ranges of perception afforded by the collective. You have no barometer hanging naturally from your face, and yet these energetic systems of fine air and heat exist, unseen. Perhaps you deny their existence, as you, with your own two eyes cannot see them.*

    You use the word "collective" in your response, yet you still speak of individual evolution. A barometer is as much a perceptual tool, measuring the subtleties of our surroundings, as is our eyes or nose. The satellite camera's "vision" is merely an extension of our own natural vision -- yet these "greater eyes" belong to the collective, the social identity whose awareness extends far beyond our own.

    I will agree with you that these higher ranges of experience, and energetic systems (like our low-pressure weather formation) have always existed. But we have only recently attained the level of organization (James) and technological innovation to be able to actually PERCEIVE these systems, to see them and accurately measure them. This is a distinction between consciousness and perception I make. That is to say, the system and "stream" of finer consciousness has always existed above us, but we were not always able to see it. Our awareness, as a collective, gradually evolved to encompass that higher range of phenomena.

    And so, as that science progressed, we could finally disregard the myths and old wives' tales which we'd once used to describe that higher range of Nature we could not see. Poseidon wasn't brewing up angry storms at sea, and Zeus wasn't jealous over the details of our sex life, God wasn't flooding the river towns to punish us -- but simply because these Gods did not exist did not mean that the finer barometric systems at work were equally false. They existed up there, all the while, as if waiting for us to LEARN to see them.

    *You must have FAITH in the mystic shaman, Karl Bohnak, who uses his shamanic tools to access hidden knowledge about the sky and heavens, and foresee the future! ;P

density, consciousness, scale, evolution

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