Solitude And The Ocean

Feb 12, 2012 00:18

The forth and the fit of Duty, a month of July, shall be set aside for others.
A place where I can be safe? The foolish awkward fears and the style defined by what is obscured.
Less I free a dozen days a month, slaving in the freedom of isolation, for writing all I need to write.
The descent of the second week will be accessing whole ranges of subconscious content, releasing them into expression.

There is a great field of tension, one which acts like the surface tension of a medium of water. It defines the waking fully-alert state of consciousness as a density, like that of air, and the "breadth" of our fully physical awareness -- that bandwidth of consciousness whose boundary is defined by the perceptual organs of the body. Yet, the water below is a density of medium beneath whose diverse contents of conscious life in its variety of diverse forms, is mostly invisible to us Standing along the beach, an uninformed man could only wonder what manner of wildlife, huge whales and squid, existed in those inaccessible depths. Yet, he may hear a myth, an account of those long dead men who once had their encounter with some massive beast of the great depths, when they once traveled  far away from shore. So, too, there are those brave explorers of consciousness who decided, with intention, to travel far and beneath from the sunlit beach, perhaps holding our breath in meditation, and descending as far as we can on that single breath. We can access many things in those meditative dives, the invisible inward landscape and all beneath it.

"Trouble with hum"

Yes, there is definitely a change in my capacity for extending focus, to really let the inward hum resonate fully up and through the contents of the mind, flooding the state of attention with simple pure tone -- inward resonant tone is a powerful method of altering or "traversing" a range of states of consciousness.

Less means more, get shit simple -- it's like playing drums. Make a motor of rhythm, to move you along through consciousness.
This is the shaman's drum, on one level.
But in a larger rhythm, circadian for instance, perfect harmony can be achieved with steady routine, the biology of sleeping and eating can be made regular, so that a resonant state can come to multiply the activity in the cycle of those biological functions. For instance, sleeping at the same time every night makes you gradually get more tired at that sleep time and, inversely, feel more awake when starting their day. And so steady rhythm in our routine makes us more efficient.
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