The Subtle Cymatics of Emotion

Sep 25, 2011 05:05

I still want to relate my brainwave work to my obsession with cymatics and sound healing...

Cymatics gives us a glimpse of the unseen web of energy, ripples of radiant frequency through a medium, revealed as intricate woven geometries surfacing into physicality. The dynamic forms and energetic patterns observed in these cymatic studies of Dr. Jenny are based on laws which extend beyond the limits of sound, to include all frequency, including the subtle vibratory signature of consciousness.

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Here's a thing, thinking about cymatics:

Like a resonant chamber of personal energy, as soon as I enter my room, a high resonant tone resounded with the closing of the door. This is not a typical occurrence, by the of my knowledge, for the walls, themselves, to resound as if being struck like a bell? A second higher overtone reverberated as a multiple of the original frequency. I try as best I can to rationalize the reason for the door or myself to have caused such a resonant response, but being incredibly high seems to have increased some aspect of my attention, a frequency of an inward source for which marijuana caused an increase in amplitude. Suddenly the entire room begins to align with this frequency, it becomes the dominant rhythm of the space, which other personalities sense and respond to.

While dancing in my distinct predictive way, dropping into a tight half-time from the rest of the room, people responded in a variety of ways. One of the older psychonauts actually approached me in the center of the room and held out his palms, as if to absorb the radiance of that frequency’s attentive amplitude, the gravity of its entrainment. A responsive and empathic individual, as he was, can become aware of the subtle energetic aspect of social interaction very quickly, and in sensing the “oceanic medium” aspect of his social surrounding, begin to respond to it immediately. An inward perceptual sense of this energetic medium could be considered a trademark of the psychedelic state of consciousness, in its hyper-attentive awareness of emotive energy, the external perception of an other's subjective emotional state, temperament, or mood. The emotions of a person can be sensed and even identified without any mode of physical or external expression. Without words, without body language, without any outward expression of any kind, someone in a bad mood can perceivably alter the “vibe” of the room, the heaviness or lightness of the “air;” these common turns of phrase which have been used to describe changes in the subjective or subperceptual character of the room, the perceivable aspect of one’s state of attention, as altered or controlled in a variety of ways, as to become non-ordinary.

William Braud’s experiments (2001) into the influence of a state of consciousness onto another individual, regardless of distance, or physical proximity, have been well-documented as being statistically-significant. Most people, when you ask them in a straight-forward, one-on-one manner, if they have ever been able to feel or communicate with a lover or close friend without words, each person will have a personal story of experiencing an aspect of this extraordinary phenomenon, at some point in time in their life. Identical twin studies, again, are invaluable in isolating this somewhat rare, but not unheard of, human experience of a subjective connection or means of communication with a loved one - a sort of “heart connection” with a mother, twin, or life mate, a state of empathic connection which seems to modulate a subconscious medium, some "emotional bandwidth" of frequency tied, most measurably, to the heartbeat or breath. When these physiological frequencies change, that change can be experienced by those in close proximity, regardless of external cues from the physical body (Braud, 2004). This is especially true of those fully-engaged in a “spiritual emergence” or Transpersonal psychedelic state of empathic sensitivity (LLLL, 2005). This hyper-attentive state predisposes one to be “resonant” or responsive to another person’s subjective state, or to notice subtle energetic phenomenon which are typically ignored or filtered from perception by the natural or ordinary state of one’s latent inhibitionary system. For this reason, it makes sense that the typical LI score of a chronic schizophrenic is much lower than that of the normal population - and that the ingestion of a psychotomimetic, or psychosis-replicating, substance leads, similarly, to a lowered LI score, and the hypersensitivity experienced in that lowered latent inhibitionary state.

Low LI and high IQ are a recipe for extraordinary or "eminent" states of creative achievement. Somehow the flood of semantic categories “carried in” along the low LI flood of attention, when organized and modulated by the increased categorical capacity afforded by high IQ, leads to a coherent and highly expansive state of creative “flow” or expression; loose associations coupled with a short term memory capacity allowing long “strands” of semantic association, the priming capacity of a hyper-attentive mind, yielded.
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