Notes for "SCALAR EVOLUTION: A Biological Model for 'The Great Shift'"

Jul 11, 2011 01:09

Interestingly, another recent study found that when Americans were given the chance to construct their version of the optimal wealth gradient for America, both Republicans and Democrats came up with a chart that looked like Sweden’s. There’s no need to insult the meat in the land of lutefisk.

Novelty, what is time?

Novelty, complexity and advanced organization, increases as we approach the present moment. Today is far more complex a place than it was a billion years ago. Unfolding developmental processes, order from disorder. What are developmental processes? Why does nature prefer order to disorder?  Everywhere the emergence of more and more complex forms, organisms, and technologies, building on the previously achieved levels of complexities...

This process of complexificaiton through time is occuring exponentially. Singularity, and the graphic representation of technological advancement, for instance. Human emergence is happening more quickly, so it seems, along the platform of our culture and its rapid rush towards social organization and communication. Faster and faster, this rapid complexification is "wrapping up" our species, or creating a boundary for which we can organize within. This is the end game of developmental processes on this planet, our species will be unrecognizable, and our science and technology has been building towards this culmination of associative networking and communicative interdependence.

Time is defined and experienced by the events which occur in it. There are many more physical and energetic domains within which change can occur now in the early universe. Each of these systems occurred from the previous domain or "bandwidth" of complexity which birthed. Connectivity and complexity are intimately linked -- co-relationships.  Atomic systems, molecular chemistry, life, complex speciated life, dynamic ecosystems, each one of those complex phenomena crystalized from those previous less-complex systems which predated them. More and more is happening in less and less time.

When all points are connected to all other points, we become a superorganism. We are connecting the dots. Everything is in co-relationship with everything else. Production of consciousness. Consciousness is this integrative function in biology, which takes data and brings it into a congruent sensible relationship. Coordinating a point of view, a perception of self and surroundings.

Before man and culture, the source of change was genetic -- which took millions of years. Language, customs, and behavior is what man and culture brings via his communication -- the accelerated novelty of epigenetics. The evolution of a fruit fly vs the evolution of social order in France differ in that the latter is able to progress much faster, connectivity and change accelerated.

Time resonates along a waveform with all other times. "Every day contains 4 days."

Like the belief that all nature can be represented and structured as 128 elements, so the Chinese believed all time, itself, could be represented and structured with 64 elements (The I-Ching.) 64 subtypes of time, can represent all possible dynamics of time -- the physics which allow physicality to come into the current moment.

A pressure-variant phenomena...the ascension through mediums of finer and finer density. Nature having a purpose, in the 19th century, was considered anti-evolutionary. Only recently in scientific thought has come the idea that events are pushed by causal necessity. "Attractors" can exist in the future, and "pull" causality towards that future point. A ball bearing spiraling around the edges of a bowl is "attracted" towards the central base point of that bowl by gravity.  All nature aspires towards order, but not habit, complexity and connectivity, but not static stagnation. We are an engine, a factory of creation and the carriers of higher and higher states of order, the cutting edge of organized systems. To advance and preserve consciousness is the purpose of being, to sense greater and greater and higher and higher realms of energy.

Weather patterns, economic market patterns, magnetic resonance, and radio wave radiation, the greater awareness afforded by social order allow sensation and processing of these "unseen" realms.  We are extending ourselves through technology, and the sensitivities which our biology is blind. We are finding ways out of the limits of our body, and creating windows into the unseen higher realms beyond the visible spectrum. This is our ascent to the higher bandwidths of the electromagnetic spectrum. We can move information at the speed of light, communicating terabytes between individuals, members of our organized civilization, every second. The ascent out of the ocean to the higher and finer medium of air. This transition towards the light, on the other side of that surface, are inborn and instinctual and the same which pulls us upwards and onwards beyond the limits of base physicality.

Whole realms of experience can be seen and immersed within by the windows of machines. A event of cosmic occurrence and importance is going to occur. Human history is being CAUSED by the nearby presence of this occurance -- with radiant shells of influence extending back, pulling us out of the ocean, and extending back to Egypt. Human history is the shockwave which precedes the eschaton. --Terence McKenna

`Concrescence' is the name for the process in which the universe of many things acquires an individual unity. An actual .occasion is nothing but the unity to be ascribed to a particular instance of concrescence. This concrescence is thus nothing else than the `real internal constitution of the actual occasion in question'. The process itself is the constitution of the actual entity. This is a theory of monads; but it differs from Leibnitz's in that Whitehead's monads change. In the organic theory they merely become. Each monadic creature is a mode of the process of `feeling' the world, of housing the world in one unit of complex `feeling', in every way determinate. Such a unit is an `actual occasion'; it is the ultimate creature derivative from the creative process. Each actual entity is conceived as an act of experience arising out of data. The objectification of other actual occasions form the given data from which an actual occasion originates. Each actual entity is a throb of experience including the actual world within its scope. It is a process of `feeling' the many data, so as to absorb them into the unity of one individual satisfaction.

Something grows together, connected, something which becomes dense and becomes or crosses a boundary, to become carnate, for instance. Individual unity of many individual things -- the unicellular cells concrescing into an organized multicellular individual, for instance.

density, consciousness, concrescence, scalar evolution

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