The Phylogeny of Non-Physical Life

Jan 11, 2011 00:11

Of spirits, we must discern differences of personality, awareness, ability, and location (or “place of origin” along the energetic expanse.) “Ability” is the most intriguing of discerned characteristics, as it implies a whole range of differences; strengths, weaknesses among traits, much as is the case among the differing traits of species in physicality.

With our observations of the evolutionary differences in physical life, we can model a phylogenetic understanding of nonphysical life - that is to say “ability” is generally linked to “location.” The environment of a certain geographic location decides what is needed of the DNA, and pulls form from the intelligence of its code. The traits and characteristics of conscious life which developed on distant bandwidths of the electromagnetic spectrum; “far off shores” whose geography and climate are possibly very different from our own.  But, gradually, as we learn to traverse and interact within this inner landscape, a cartography of locations across oceanic frequency could come to be drawn. At first, the means and details of travel may be very personalized.

An example being Subject A interacts with Entity Z with the perceptual aid of a 5 mg dose of DMT, Subject B, however, did not perceive Entity Z until 8 mg of DMT were administered.  (As with any medication, weight/height, age, gender, and genetics can dramatically influence the effects of the drug. In a situation such as DMT, a precise scale of these differences in subject response is required to systematically approach the multitudinous set of distinct states of consciousness which the neurotransmitter affords.)

Regardless of these personalized details concerning the means of arriving at a certain subtle location, the statistical significance of mutual perception of a given entity would contribute to its formalized classification, with the experience of individual observations contributing to an understanding of that form of conscious life and its environment.  With continued research of the neurotransmitter DMT, for instance, a range of commonly-perceived state-dependent inward “locations,” or bandwidths of consciousness, tied to common subject experiences, could be defined. From the organization of data from the subjects’ state-dependent observations, a phylogenetic record of the distinct populations of these locations could be constructed, with data of dosage factors setting guidelines for the “prescription” of the perception.

the pre-eminently shamanic technique is a passage from one cosmic region to another - from earth to the sky or from earth to the underworld. The shaman knows the mystery of the break-through in plane. This communication among the cosmic zones is made possible by the very structure of the universe.  --Eliade

"The very structure of the universe" is how Eliade describes the relationship between the upper, middle, and lower worlds here -- as a set of planes which the shaman can break through. This interconnected relationship between the planes is also called the axis mundi or world axis.  When we consider what in our modern understanding of the measurable universe can be compared to this traditional concept of a "grand scale" of existence upon which our perceptual experience exists, the electromagnetic spectrum is the closest equivalent. Within the visible spectrum is, essentially, the whole of our conscious experience in physicality. Yet visible light is merely a narrow bandwidth in the grander scheme of things; the greater unseen energetic expanse.

Key to relating the Eliade's "mystery of the break-through in plane" to EM is in equating frequency and density. The "wave" and the "particle" are, as we know, two conceptions of the same energetic phenomenon. As Watts said so playfully, light is neither a wave nor a particle, but a "wavicle."  The spacing between particles is like the spacing between crests of a wave -- the more tightly packed the particles, the higher the frequency of that state of energy.  When we think of a spectrum in terms of differing layers of density, instead of as wavelengths, the metaphor gains a dimension of depth which aids the conceptualization of the shaman's inward travel.  When left to their own, densities of matter "settle" into layers, the heaviest or most dense mediums falling, while the highest or finest mediums rising. In observable nature, the result of this universal law is seen when we go to a lake on a calm day. The dense state of matter of water settles into the lowest areas of ground, separated from the finer state of particle density, air, by a plane. Only in stillness and calm does this boundary become perfectly planar, flat and mirror-like -- likewise, only in still consciousness can we clearly see ourselves, without the obscuration of distraction, when we peer into the dark of our inner boundary. Yet its also with a calm surface that we can see through the boundary of water, to all that lies below.

non-physical life, consciousness, evolution, phylogenetic, dmt, entity

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