I. Introduction
A. My Name Is Kaleb Smith - a consciousness researcher at the Neurophenomenology Lab at the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology in Palo Alto, California.
B. In the past year has been to try to identify one or more distinct states of subconscious perception as well as develop some method of reliably inducing them.
i. My belief is
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The Wave:
I came to think in terms of scales of energy, grand crest and troughs governing all of observable nature. Duality: Life/death. Day/Night. Solid/Space. Surface/Depth. Each implying the birth and necessitating the death of the other, in oscillating cycles of rippling frequency. I rationalized that if all observable life is subject to this law of duality, it is safe to assume that those aspects of life which are unobservable are, likewise, composed of frequency and energy, however subtle and, as of yet, unmeasurable.
So, by applying the nature of all observable to the unobservable: consciousness, the afterlife, or the subjective experience of shamanic trance, we can draw potentially-testable inferences and even linear representations from this premise that all scales of energy, observable or not, exists as frequency. Vice versa, it can be said that the existence of a frequency implies energy traversing a medium.
Early shamanic man 4 millenia ago knew this, that consciousness was fluid in nature. His work, his journeys, relied on controlling his internal energetic state, learning that the frequency of his consciousness in-fluenced the nature of his perceptions. It wasn't until just a bit over a century ago that science was able to “catch up” and finally measure this subtle energetic frequency and correlate it to changes in states of consciousness. Thus, as it could be measured, consciousness finally “existed” to the Western empiricist.
I have decided to share some powerful personal experiences with you today. I began to think, if I were to only describe my understandings and rationalizations of spirit without first describing those actual experiences which I was trying to rationalize and understand, it would be like giving you an empty glass, but no water to hold in it.
This bandwidth model of consciousness is like the glass, it is how I hold the experience, but it would not exist were it not for the water - the experience itself.
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