Aumish Social Networks And Bedtime Practices

Apr 20, 2010 21:42

My side the conversation consists mostly of searching; the sound of searching being one of inducing meditative descent: “Ummm…. Ummm.”

Of course, everyone else is just waiting and care little for that elevator music of bland Aum-ish descent. Cherishing the remnants of a simpler time, the Aumish dress and live simply, the bombardment of engine pistons and raging distractions of electronic media and its blaring devices viewed as, in fact, inventions which isolate us from ourselves.  Aumish society is very Earthy, with designated meeting places like churches and town halls, where like-minded people shake hands and smile and share lovingly without exclusion.  For a time, however, the Aummish will say “Ummm,” together -- freely, rhythmically, and without pressure or distraction, either internal or external. The Aumish church is more a gathering of mutually-shared respect for inner divinity and exists anywhere/everywhere: a park bench, a beach, a bus, or within a stone; anywhere one or more people share an inward direction of attention.

Alex Grey’s “Chapel of Sacred Mirrors” has received tax-exempt status, being Federally recognized as a church. The Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 1993 (42 U.S.C. § 2000bb, also known as RFRA) is a United States federal law aimed at preventing laws that substantially burden a person's free exercise of their religion. The Chapel of Sacred Mirrors represents a set of spiritual beliefs and religious icons whose inspiration was said to come from the ritualized use of entheogenic sacraments. These ritual ceremonies, and their spiritual significance as expressed by Alex Grey, were the origin of the church and central to it's members' religious practice.

A Declaration of Religious Rights, driven defiantly down into legislative soil, lays stake by defining a boundary which the state may not pass. Religion manifests in many forms, and legislation must remain flexible if it is to encompass the whole of religion and the variety of its practices as they are born, grow, change, and develop through our equally ever-changing and evolving culture.

*remember to post Timothy Leary’s “Start Your Own Religion" and Richard Alpert’s Letter*

The levels of depth in the ocean are bandwidths of density, the increasing pressure of descent compressing the water molecules, with the deeper layers condensed by all those above it. This spectrum of density in the medium defines the nature of the life that inhabits that “bandwidth” of ocean. The deepest sea life, like the hideous Angler Fish or bioluminescent squid, typically die before they can reach the surface of the ocean: lacking the heavy pressure of their bandwidth, their bodies essentially expand. Near the end of their life, it is said many of these creatures choose to “follow the light” upwards, almost in an act of resembling suicide - lungs and organs bursting out, their large eyes often found bulging from the head. They were bound physically to that layer of ocean in which they were born.

In much this same way, consciousness exists along a medium and is typically tied to the bandwidth in which it was born. Travel in this medium, one of a finer density than our water example, is similarly tied to the physical body of our life. Yet, the visible spectrum and the immersed interactions which define our waking life need not define us - that is, this particular bandwidth of consciousness may be transcended. Like our bioluminescent deep sea squid, we may “follow the light.” We need only close our eyes and look up to ascend.

The fruit of hypnagogia is in the drifting of thoughts across and within an expanse. Changes in one’s state of consciousness have been posed in terms of changes in EEG frequency, a frequency which may be drawn along a plane as spreading activation across the semantic network. When this is done, thought associations plotted as semantic distance may be seen as related to the bandwidth depth, amplitude and frequency of a measured brainwave pattern. In this way, semantic distance can be seen as a measure of frequency, lower EEG frequencies (like the low theta bandwidth hypnagogia) can be correlated with spreading activation, the indirect priming phenomenon commonly referred to when someone describes their thoughts “growing long,” as they do as one drifts in descent through the hypnagogic state.

The electrochemical firing rate along the cortex is tied to the stimuli of the visible spectrum, but when awareness of this spectrum is abandoned, as in the sensory deprivation of meditation and its inward directing of attention, that firing rate is free and unbounded by the external in the same way our consciousness is, then, free to descend or ascend away from that narrow visible bandwidth.  In the study (cite!) which correlated the focus of attention onto an external object with increased neuronal firing spreading outward from the appropriate retinal area of the cortex, we see data which maps the relationship between consciousness and brainwave patterns, between the focus of attention and the measurable rate, quality, and prevalence of cortical activation.

Photic entrainment, binaural or rhythmic stimulus research also represents the relationship between sensory stimulus and brainwave rate.

consciousness, hypnagogia, alex grey, aumish

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