This night began similar to other nights
and then we all got drunk (@ my house)
I only got one picture of nadia, but she's dancing so it's ok
Brian exclaimed, "I'm on my cell phone, so I better use my cell phone face!"
drunk already?
Adrian tried to sneak into my house, but he was caught, and he knows it
Jere finally gets his christmas card and giggles a little
more drunk
then shit got crazy, and anyone who knows wtf is going on here wins a prize
Sara goes up for a hi-5
Josh reluctantly accepts
Then we went to gyro park, and there was a big party of mt.doug students there, and we were too drunk to say no to that, so we joined in. A girl walked up and is like I'm sooooo drunk (and available), so mike put his arm around her and they left, and then this girl runs up and is like WTF?!?! WTF?!! YOU OMG OMG OMG WTF OMG YOU OMG, and i'm just like wowoowow, calm down young chap. And then she explained to me that adrian had poured vodka all over her face, which really was way too funny to not be laughing at, so I chuckled. Then we ran out of there, since vodka on face girl was still bitching away, and nothing really exciting was happening there. I don't remember what happened after that.
Part III comin up.