I want to write - I REALLY want to write - but an equal part of me insists on not spilling what's on my mind. To sum up a long story - repressed feelings suck, old depression sucks, feeling worthless for having a clunky hairy body sucks, feeling unloved sucks.
Sure has been a fun week.
I yoinked a new icon off of
iconfiend100. He looks like I feel. Good times.
House-sitting for my parents again this weekend. My grandmother will be dead within the month, and everyone else is going down to Florida to see her off. I'll be saying my goodbye to her over the phone, if and when my mother can catch her in a stage lucid enough to remember who I am.
Going down to Ithaca the week after for Ice's wedding. I'm looking forward to seeing everybody again. I'll be staying in Ithaca with Andy, which is kind of far from the wedding site but I can drive. And it's free, and cuddling with Andy is always a good time. It'll be an excellent weekend.