fukt if i know!

Apr 25, 2006 20:44

religion means so much to so many people.

why is it merely a point of interest for me on the journey towards my final voyage?
I've never held much belief in God or Jesus or any of that...to me the Bible was nothing
more than a nice collection of fairytales not unlike the Brother Grimm's books. In a blink of an eye I can send myself reeling through time
and space, no problem. But what is it like to really believe in something? Anything? I have no fucking clue whatsoever. In fact to a
certain point in life I can't even think of plans for the future? In elementary school I had visions of what highschool would be like, and in
highschool I had ideas of what university would be like, and beyond university I'm in a big stormy ocean with no hope of seeing land or sun ever

The belief in happiness evades me, but the knowledge that it exists to some torments me so often that I wonder that I haven't wasted my life
thus far. If there is a Masterplan, where do i fit in? Fuckt if i know.
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