Apr 13, 2005 23:36
If you can believe it, I was at school from 6:55 am, to 9:30 pm tonight. And it's been like that for a week. I cannot believe Funny Girl opens tomorrow. I know we're all saying that, but its true, I'm so ready for it, I'm happy for it, but looking back, it's sad rehersals are over, they were kinda, I don't know...fun, isn't the word for it, but they were an experience. I liked having that experience.
Things in high school are coming to a close, and in a way it scares me leaving it because it's what I've know for so long, and I don't know what lies ahead of me. Before it was, "oh next grade, this year 11th grade, next year I'm a senior." Now...the high school structure is gone. Au Revior. Arrivederchi. Goodbye. Kaput! It's weird.
Happy moments:
*Pert Plus makes my hair soft like a baby's butt. rofl.
*hahaha. Matt feeling my 'old lady' butt. :rolls eyes at you:
*My and Fernie's boob dance, and scaring Sean to death with it.
*Srta. Leibman: "I loved your curtain call" ...you'll see what she means WHEN you come to our musical!!! ;-)♥