Nov 10, 2008 18:24
Made two interesting discoveries today.
Firstly, my bike is happily undamaged, other than a couple of cosmetic scrapes to the pedal and rear derailleur.
Secondly, in spite of the shoulder sprain, I can still ride it, over a short distance anyway, and with potentially less pain than trying to drive.
Whether or not "I can" equates to "I should" is another matter. Last thing I need to do is get all gung ho about it and double fuck my arm in the process, myriad as the benefits in other areas might be. Ah well, I'm off work til next Monday, so should have a better idea of the state of my shoulder nearer the time. Seems to be settling a bit. Sadly Athens has fallen through, but got a few things planned over the next few days, should keep me in trouble.