Finally got myself a new pair of glasses today First proper pair I've had for about 3-4 years. Laura totalled the last, almost brand new pair while we were still living together at Forbes Close, by dropping a bed on them whilst trying to rearrange the room whilst drunk. I've been wearing monthly contact lenses for a while now, and whilst I've not had any problems so far, despite being pretty lazy about swapping them out, I don't really fancy ending up with ulcerated eyes some day.
The sensation of raring them is not dissimilar to strong hallucinogens, although about 4 hours in and my head no longer feels like a balloon bobbing around on top of my neck every time I move it. No sign of headache either, which is always a risk adjusting to the things.
Whilst I was in town today, parked up next my old office and buzzed Saul down for a quick chat. It's the first time I've seen him in a few months, having made a concerted effort to avoid getting any of the guys involved, however inadvertently, while the unfair dismissal case was going on. He's just got himself an MR2, so we stood around and verbally wanked off over new cars a bit, shot the shit, caught up. It was good, I've missed him.
Got myself some a learn Greek CD today, and got some details on contacting Denise through Helena tonight, so I should hopefully have my flights booked within the next couple of days.
Can't fucking wait. Only two more sleeps 'til Hawtin too!
Been checking out a load of Garbage vids tonight on Youtube. Really do fancy catching them live, I forgot how much I like 'em.
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