"The eyes are the groin of the face."

Nov 05, 2007 17:55

Who's freaked by the writer's striked? They have every right to strike--the writers do so much, but man this sucks for those of us that really only find the finer things in our quality television programs. Fuck, I need my Office fix every week man. what're you dooiiing to me?!

I've really become estranged from a lot of things. And I guess Live Journal has been one of those things. Soz. Really didn't mean to. I still read others posts on here, but I always feel just satisfied enough with that. Your lives are way more interesting than mine.

which brings me to the idea of doing something kind of weird. I'm thinking about studying in Thailand for the summer. Just a 6 week program(don't want to get too crazy! ho ho ho!) I would get 3 classes done, and it would be fun to ride on elephants in the jungle. I'm such a dreamer. It's probably more impoverished in Chiang Mai than I think. ah well, these are just thoughts.  ...Anyone ever been??

After doing a few years of school I've realized I am really flat-out talentless. Maybe I'm overexaggerating. But I feel I'm always going to be meh, average in the field of work I chose. Maybe I should just grow a pair of ovaries. I love music, I really do. But sometimes being around these music majors really pisses me off because they're all a bunch of kiss asses. Well not all, but most. And everyone tries to be so "scene" it's exhausting. This is a really dumb reason to say bye to music though. Well, we'll see if I minor in journalism or marketing. sorry, boring, you don't have to read this. I really do love writing. I should just talk shit about bands as a profession. I should become Simon Cowel. but without the tight white shirts that look like you've been in the frozen food aisle for a very long time.

I've been fantasizing about doing professions that I probably wouldn't succeed at. Really love the idea of becoming a writer for just a great show...yes something like the Office. Or god, Conan. Or SNL. I'd probably get screwed in royalties, but I think I'd really enjoy that. Being a comedian would be interesting, of course it takes more than just saying a few jokes. You either make them laugh or say something totally offensive and bomb. And after watching so many reruns of America's Next Top Model (seriously, an unhealthy guilty pleasure) I dream of being some random model that gets discovered. That would be awesome but of course, I'm under 5'4, and uh..I really enjoy eating way too much. And hey, self-esteem's low enough! Don't need gay men to prod at it.  These are just stupid thoughts.

I've been cooking for myself for the first time and it's weird. I kind of understand why my mother gave it up when I was in high school and we continued to live off of take out. I'm considering on doing the same. I keep craving all sorts of restaurants that you should all know of. El Torito is the best Mexican chain EVER. Sadly the closest one is in Sac-town.

Then I crave things from back on the East Coast--Steak 'n Shake. My god, who invented this wonderful heaven? A place where you can get melts, burgers, malts, that thing they do with the chili covering spaghetti and is open virtually all the time is the best. Really wish we had those here, but hey, we've got In-n-Out, the dirty whore of fast food. God I love them. I've considered working for them  because apparently they get paid a dollar above min. wage, and they get a 401K. a freakin' 401k. that is..wow.  I'd flip burgers for that, seriously.

Another great fattening restaurant here, if any of you come to the california area is Smokin' Moes' BBQ. There's a few around california, mostly in the central coast area such as San Luis Obispo or Pismo Beach. I'm usually not for the whole ribs thing, but man...their shredded pork sandwhiches are to die for. God I'm salivating. what made me talk about this??! ah I'll stop.  I'm such a fatass.  Also, for any of you who don't know, Sierra Nevada Brewing Company, that green labeled beer, is located in Chico, here. They also have a restaurant, and yeah I'm salivating again.

After a few visits to 'frisco recently, I've been fantasizing on living there. Call me a hippie, but it really is an awesome place. We went to Nob Hill and watched all the richies walking around. It's ironic they're all perched up on a hill, like some monarchy hiding away from the common folk. But it's all gorgeous. and all expensive, yikes.  Studio apartment, best price I can find right in the city is 900. and that's for a really crappy area.

I really should make more short posts and less long semi-annual posts.

Sorry for the shitty writing!
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