Oct 27, 2010 23:04


Fuck man, Halloween at a fabric store! And I don't even really like Halloween!!! But as crazy as it's been, and as bitchy as last minute costume shoppers (and quilters!!!!) can be (and it's just going to get worse this weekend), is as much as I love my job.

It's seriously the best. My co-workers are awesome, our customers are (generally) awesome, our fabrics are awesome, the perks are awesome, and I'm having fun.
Lol, and I even think I broke through to my boss today. He laughed with me and made a joke at his own expense, which was nice, and I feel a lot less intimidated by him now.

But with mid-terms and working constantly I have had no time to breathe! I have this Friday off from work and school, and I am going to have some "me" time. Which means that I am going to be making myself a raincoat.

So.... I GOT A CAR! It's a blue, 2006 Ford Focus. It's the TARDIS.
It's awesome, basically, but I kind of hate driving :/ I just don't find it fun... a least in-town. I like freeways because even though everyone is going at fast speeds, there is order and movement and of course no cross-traffic to worry about. In Santa Cruz, the drivers and the streets are CRAY CRAY

So I've been making Ben drive, but the other day he was on his way from my house to my work, and he ran over something that gave him (me?) a flat, and the tire was basically destroyed, so I have to get a new one T_T bummer

Also, I got the time off work to go to PMX, but I'm not sure what I'm doing for lodging yet...
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