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Comments 12

anonymous November 20 2015, 12:12:56 UTC
absolutelybatty November 20 2015, 12:14:47 UTC
You can only vote for one icon in the special category (best interpretation). Can you please tell me which icon you'd like to cast that vote for since you've put two numbers there? Thank you!


anonymous November 20 2015, 14:34:46 UTC
absolutelybatty November 22 2015, 01:01:55 UTC
BTW, the original image link for #15 just leads to the icon instead of the image.

I missed this earlier, my apologies. Having looked into it, it was because the user didn't actually submit screencaps, but in my infinite wisdom, I apparently thought I should just let you guys look at the icon twice. So you haven't missed out on anything there. There's no screencap for that icon, and the link is just a brain slip on my part!


anonymous November 20 2015, 15:08:35 UTC
absolutelybatty November 21 2015, 01:36:50 UTC
Hello! Thank you for voting!

Right now you constructive votes seem a little bit more like negative votes. Your comments in this section should help the icons improve, not just point out what you think is "wrong" with them. If you could come back at some point before voting for this round ends and elaborate on your comments a little bit for the participants (i.e. explain why the texture seems out of place to you), that would be great!

Thank you!


anonymous November 21 2015, 01:55:19 UTC
absolutelybatty November 21 2015, 01:56:31 UTC
Excellent job! Thank you very much!


anonymous November 20 2015, 16:02:26 UTC
absolutelybatty November 21 2015, 01:38:26 UTC
Hello! Thank you for voting!

Right now your constructive criticism votes are coming across a little vague, especially the first one. This section is supposed to help participants improve their icons so if you could come back before voting for this challenge ends and elaborate a little more on your votes (explain not just what but why), that would be really helpful.

Thank you!


anonymous November 21 2015, 09:24:01 UTC
absolutelybatty November 21 2015, 09:28:31 UTC
It's not a problem. Thank you for editing!


anonymous November 20 2015, 17:53:02 UTC

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