Round 15 - Challenge 04 - Results

May 03, 2015 11:58


1ST PLACE [x points]:

Agent Olivia Dunham with +9 votes.

2ND PLACE [x points]:

Bionic Rhymenocerous with +6 votes.

3RD PLACE [x points]:

Carmen Sandiego with +5 votes.

MOST CREATIVE [x points]:

Creepy Crawly with +6 votes.

MOD'S CHOICE [x points]:

Captain Blue

[I just really love this icon. I'm not sure I can fully pin point why because I have zero clue about the source material, but...there's something so whimsical about the font choice, the size of the font, the really saturated yellows, and the pretty intense contrast. It seems almost Wonderland-ish? Which I assume is befitting in some sense given the quote. Anyway, it is just a really eye catching, fascinating icon. Good job!]

+++ = 1st Place Vote
++ = 2nd Place Vote
+ = 3rd Place Vote | Beginning of a new comment.

Note: Votes are not weighted in this round. Meaning a 1st, 2nd or 3rd vote will only give you 1 point when tallying the votes. [Tiebreaker Procedure:]Except in the case of a tie - then the icon with the most 1st place votes will be given first. This is upheld in all cases unless 1) the amount of votes is equal in all cases (i.e. 3 first place, 2 second place, and 1 third place) or 2) breaking the tie would result in an icon with enough first place votes to place being knocked out of a placing spot (i.e a third place tie between two icons). In these cases, ties will stand as is in order to maintain a sense of fairness for all participants.


Bionic RhymenocerousPOSITIVE VOTES
+++ The coloring and the text use is great. I also love the border on the top of the icon.
+++ Like the lighting and one font but with different colors, it fits icon prefectly and the top border makes icon look even better.
+++ This icon is absolutely gorgeous! Each element is perfectly done - amazing negative space, colours, and most of all text. The font choice is perfect and it's such a good idea to use colours from their costumes. Maybe it would have looked better if the border had been below the characters, not above, but this is beautiful.
+ I love the soft, matte look of the icon and love the smoothness of the text. On the whole, this icon is very pleasing to look at because of the soft, hazy texture use.
+ The text is perfectly sharpened and readable. It suits the icon perfectly and the repetition at the top is just perfect.
+ The way the text looks like it's floating in the sky is pretty cool. The softness of it is also really pretty.



+ I love the levels and text used in this icon!
+ The large text in the simple Sans Serif font is really eye-catching. However, I'd try to increase the brightness or use a brighter background to really make the icon pop.
+ If I could vote for another icon, this would be it, I think it's great! The text is my favorite part, the font, the colors, the slight rotation, it all fits the quote and the rest of the icon. The duplication as a border was a good choice too. The only reason this icon 'lost' is that it's rather blurry; if not for that, it would be quite perfect.

Agent Olivia DunhamPOSITIVE VOTES
+++ The composition is really neat.
+++ Lovely composition, I love how the text brings a 'dynamic' to the icon!
+++ The text is bold and interesting and the coloring is unique, gorgeous work!
++ I love the composition of this icon, every element is very bold - the big text, the vibrant colors, the textures - but they work together without overwhelming each other.
++ Color composition is amazing and stunning! Also like the placement of text and monotone color on every subject(bj, character,text)
++ I really like the whole composition of the icon: the colors, the text use, the background. The result is really nice.
+ Very eye catching colors and love the font choice.
+ The composition and the colors here are eye-catching, and I love the border around the figure and the way the color echoes the text.

+ No reason provided.
+ No reason provided.
+ the composition is great and it definitely stands out.
+ Many textures, colors, various use of brushes gives very complex look.
+ The monochrome colour of the subject really stands out because of the surrounding text as well as colours you've chosen for the icon.


+ Love the unusual colouring and text alignment.
+ I love the coloring used in this icon!
+ I really like your coloring and your use of gradient maps (?) and your subtle border usage is also really nice.
+ This is a great composition, I love the paint splashes, and the text looks amazing! It just looks a tad oversharpened to me, and the subject might stand out more if it was a more different colour than the background, but it's gorgeous anyway!

+++ I love the composition, with the large frame for the face and the borders. The text placement and colors are perfect.
+ What a great composition! Brilliant colour scheme and the text is flawless!

+ Really love the composition of the icon and I love the text arrangement and the variation in font use.


+ I love your text usage in this icon!
+ The composition here is very lovely and pretty! And the colouring is nicely done! I think if the subject had been cropped in the whole length of the icon (not leaving space above and below), the blocking would me more strong (as in, having all very strong vertical crops: the borders, the part with the flowers, and the subject). The text is lovely, and as a personal choice, I think te green could be a little be closer to the green on the flower texture.
+ I like the composition and color scheme here, they're both elegant, and make the icon look rather like a page from a book. I think the typography is a bit overcomplicated - three different fonts in different colors make it look too cluttered, which could have been avoided by using only one accent color, or one 'fancy' font for emphasis. Also, I think you could have gone a bit further with manga coloring to make the image look less flat. The scan has three levels of shading - no screentone, screentone, screentone + lines - that could have been used as guides for shading, so even if you don't feel confident in your painting skills, following these and painting areas of solid color would have added depth to the coloring.

Gingerbread VixenPOSITIVE VOTES


+ The way the text is blurry makes no sense and adds nothing to the icon. It is only distracting and makes it harder to read.
+ The text is far too blurry, and placed right over a bright light in the background of the icon. I think this one would have worked better if you'd cut the figure out of the background and created a false background as a backdrop for the text.
+ Imo borders (or textures in general) are put to give the icon something it lacks and in this particular icon due to the position of the subject (not centered) and the simplistic colouring, just make the icon distracting. The text position balances out the fact Jo is more cropped to the side, but the text is too blurry and perhaps adding some drop shadow to the font would make it stand out more - especially in the parts where the background has white.
+ I really think the icon would have worked better with a less blurry font. The cropping is, however, interesting.
+ The text is way too blurry, make sure that when you blur text that you still maintain some readability. The colours are a bit muted which doesn't go well with the pink border, playing around with the colouring, especially saturation and contrast can really help.
+ The text is too blury here(would look better if it was a little sharpened) and some words with pink color(for match the borders).And if you put some lighting on the right side of the icon it will make icon look more pretty.
+ I like the crop on the icon but I do think it could have done with some more brightening. There’s a lot of light potential in the screencaps. One of the easiest ways to brighten a cap is to duplicate the base layer and then set the duplicate layer to Screen. Alternatively, you can even use a Curves adjustment layer to brighten screencaps. I also like the text but I think it’s a little too blurry. If the text were a little sharper, I think it would complement the icon well.
+ The text is really blurry and borders blending all over doesn't complement the icon very much, it'd look much nicer with a solid color.
+ I like the crop here, it works well with the composition, and leaves enough space for the text. The text, however, is very blurry and hard to read, especially the last line, which also blends with the background. My suggestion is to avoid blurring the text - it very rarely looks good, and most of the time will make the icon look sloppy. Secondly, the text could use a shadow or an outline to make it distinct from the background; alternately, in this case, a solid background would work as well.
+ The text is hard to read here, as it is really unfocused. Definitely play around with the font/text settings to make it sharper. Also adding more contrast between the background and subject (which is very neutral colored) will help the text focus a little more.


+++ The muted coloring is beautiful, and the combination of solid color background and low-contrast screencap gives the icon a lovely winter-y look. The typography is great too, its simplicity fits the rest of the icon.
+++ The composition is really beautiful and the muted colors work very well.
++ The delicate look of the icon (pale light blue, simply textures without much lightning) are very meaningful to the scene, it gives all of the emotions and everything works perfect.
++ he whites and blues coloring sets the tone perfectly for the icon. Love the birds in te background as well.

+ No reason provided.


+ The colouring and the block of text in this are very lovely and gorgeous. I think the AS is a bit distracting, as it overpowers eveything else.
+ What a pretty, pretty icon! I love how you used borders and negative space, and the delicate text and decorative accents in front of the pale background is beautiful.

++ The font is different and really suits the icon, the coloring is bright and the composition is great.
+ The yellow coloring is at and also like the CAPSLOCK text here
+ The contrast between the pale yellows and deep blacks is stunning, I'm in awe of the coloring in this icon. The crop is lovely as well, and I like the font you chose.

+ The the strong yellow color you have here, and the white text works without being washed out. Crop and text is good, not obsuring the subject. Great job!

+ The icon is technically good, but something in there is not matching, maybe the border with not 100% opacity or handwritten text which could be a little bit smaller, because it covers half of the characters face.

+ The border looks a wee bit awkward, but I really love your colouring and text!
+ I am not sure where the borders are in this icon, but I love the text usage in this icon!
+ I like the icon. I think the placement of text is interesting. The only thing that bugs me is that Jessica is a bit too saturated for my taste.



+ Love the coloring here and the text works well. The subject definitely needs to be more prominent here -- either sharpen, add contrast, and maybe get rid of the white light on the side? Just something to make it stand out against the colorful background a little more.
+ The text here looks so great, and the texture work is very lovely, but I feel the blue blob over the subject is very distracting. I think masking the subject and leaving it in black and white would have more contrast and it'd probably also make her features more prominent (as the blob seems to be also washing some of them too much).
+ like the bg composition and placement of the text but blue light on the b&w subject dosn't look good here(it's kind of disbalance between warm bg colors and cold colors on the b&w subject). On my opinion it would look better if lighting was just white without blue tone and the main subject was b&w without any coloring.

+ The color scheme of this icon is great - I love the combination of red, yellow and blue. I also like the borders, but the background on the right side is slightly too bright and the right border is hardly visible. The light texture works on the character, but I think it washes out the lower right corner of the icon, so clipping it to the character might have worked better here. -
+ I feel like the right side of the icon is washed out, but lovely cropping and borders!
+ I really like the cropping, background and text use here. I think the look would be better if the person wouldn't tend to the green/blue so much.



+ I really like your text work in the icon. However, Hook is a bit too sharp around the edges, so perhaps adding a bit of gaussian blur and light blobs would soften up the icon.
+ This icon really suffers from oversharpening, which is a shame because the colour scheme is lovely. Killian here doesn't need to be this overexposed and sharpened. It's probably your base prep work that's the problem, it's important to work slowly, even if it takes more layers to get the result you want. A violent Brightness/Contrast layer (for example) will only lower the quality. The "just give me" layer would have needed to be duplicated and set to a lighter colour (like the "my rum" layer, but the other way around).

+ Love the colouring and really love the text! The font choice is great and so are the colours chosen for the text.
+ I like the purple coloring and how the outline is used to make the character stand out. The typography is nice too, especially the placement of the text, and the way the lines overlap, but I think the colors of the text don't work with the background - the first line is hard to see, and the colors of the last two seem a bit random, since these colors don't match the rest of the icon.
+ I love the usage of fake background and text in this icon!

+++ The colouring here is very lovely. I think the simple composition very straightforward and clear. I think the text work is very well done, and the borders do work like a great touch overall.
++ I love the figure and the colors, along with the gradient on the background.


+ Love the pink texture and the blocks of text. But the subject's face looks a bit green and doesn't really match with the overall colors of the icon. Maybe try to use selective coloring to increase the reds on her face?

+ Lovely borders and text usage in this icon!
+ Like the compositon with ornament borders and text. But the character looks a little bit oversharpenes to me.
+ I think the idea here is very cute, the combination of the quote and the funny screencap work well, but the coloring doesn't quite match the tone of the icon - especially the muted coloring on the character's face looks out of place, and the greenish overtone clashes with the pink background.
+ This icon is really pretty and I like it a lot. Great font choice, it works well with the comic mood of the icon.

Raymond 'Red' ReddingtonPOSITIVE VOTES
++ The colouring here is so pretty. But the text is amazing! I absolutely love the gradually size change of it, and how it highlights the subject.
+ The text arrangement is really good. I like who it magnifies all over and occupy the whole icon without being overwhelming.
+ The low contrast of the icon actually stands out to me and I love how you have used a purple scheme for the entire icon. It doesn't look bland at all, because you've used different shades, and that, combined with the font choice, make a great icon.



+ I really like the icon. It almost got on the top three for me.
+ The typography in this icon is great, it creates a dramatic effect that fits the quote. However, the icon lacks contrast, and could use some brighter colors to set off the lovely purples; making the background brighter than the text would work here, and would also make the borders stand out more.
+ I really like the text use and how murder is written so largely. Also, the coloring is beautiful!
+ The coloring and placement of the text are awesome. But I would add some shadow to Annalise because she's blending withe bg color and getting lost in the composition



+ The first half of the text is a bit hard to read, so maybe try making it a bit larger to be readable.
+ If I think the coloring and cropping is really nice on the one, I must admit I think you make a wrong choice concerning the font. It is hard to read and also a bit too much distracting.

+ I love the coloring, its bright and really well saturated. The text isn't very readable though, the font is a bit blocky to be used so small, so it pixelated a little bit.
+ stunning coloring and text but think the font is wrong (it's too bold). On my opinion it should be classic original font.
+ I love the coloring here, the vibrant greens are really lovely. The crop and placement of the text are great too, but I think the font choice is a bit unfortunate - it's hard to read at this size, and I'm not sure it fits the serious quote, since this type of rounded retro font would be more suited to comedy.
+ Love the coloring! Always a sucker for bright colors - however the font/white text is a little hard to read here with such a vibrant background. Perhaps adding more contrast between the lighter green parts and the white text would help smooth things out.
+ Although I love the nice green coloring that you've used, making the font more legible would really improve this icon. Also, maybe using a gaussian blur at softlight at a low opacity would help fix the oversharpened look that I'm seeing currently on Emma's face.
+ The colouring in this icon is amazing and so pretty. The lights on the side work really great with the borders, and it's just overall pretty. However, I feel the text is too thick and hard to read. i think choosing a lighter font would fit it best so that it doesn't overpower the rest of the work. The white colour is also a bit distracting, as it has nothing to do with the rest of the icon, and just giving it some tones closer to it would blend it more with the whole colouring of the icon.

++ The green coloring is really pretty.
++ The text, texture use and lighting are fantastic! I'd suggest a bit more sharpening, but this icon is gorgeous!
+ The colouring here is very gorgeous, and the texture work is really lovely done. I think the text placement also works very well.

+ The levels and borders are creatively done.

+ I LOVE THE COLOURS IN THIS ICON A LOT!!!!! THE GREENS ARE SO VIVID AND SHINY, IT'S REALLY GORGEOUS!!!! My only crit would be with the arrangement of the text - obviously you've tried to place an emphasis on "mythical" and "creatures" by separating it from the rest of the quote and i feel like this would be more effective if the text itself was larger and easier to read.

+ The green coloring is really nice, but I think it would look more natural if it didn't include the character's hair; it would also help separate him from the background. Also, which I like the typography here, I wish the bottom two lines were either a different color, or had a shadow to make them stand out more, since they blend with the shirt a bit.
+ I really like this icon, the colours and composition are great. The subject's face looks a bit too blurry on my screen, but other than that, the icon is really pretty. Especially like the light blobs on the sides that give the icon extra colour and lighting..



+ The coloring is pretty but the composition of the text looks a bit off as it's really hard to read with all the spaces between the letters. The text looks also too sharp like the anti-alias option isn't used.
+ The text overlapping the borders is a bit distracting, it'd look better hiding the text under the borders.
+ The coloring and lighting in this icon are lovely, and the borders add a nice touch of vibrance, so great job with that. The scattered text is rather distracting though, and very hard to read without having to follow it letter by letter. I think it would have been a better choice to keep the letter spacing at a normal width, and put the block of text behind the character, or make the crop a bit wider to create more space in the top half of the icon, and put the text there.

+ I like the idea that you have in your icon but I would suggest making your text easier to read, maybe in a brighter color, and using more subtle colors for the borders since right now, they don't match the coloring of the icon (which is great by the way!).
+ Love the composition and text spacing here, really interesting interpretation of the theme. The spacing on some works is hard to read with the curvy-ish font though, i think changing the font size would clear up the issue here.
+ The coloring and borders are great, but the use of text all over the icon is distracting and completely unreadable. If it had been a solid block of text it would have suited the icon better.
+ I love the sense of space around the figure, created by the airy text placement. I love the quote you used, but having some words without space between the letters makes them feel very clumped and squished compared to the other words.
+ The shadows on this icon are so gorgeous and well done. The colouring is also very gorgeous!. The text feels a bit over the place, though. There's too much separetion between the letters, which at first makes it look like random instead of something we are supposed to be reading. A more small spaced block of text to one side, or behind the subject would serve the same porpoise, without it being distracting and hard to understand. Another option is to use different size of fonts, that way, same space could be filled just as it is, without leaving so many blanks that make it hard to see where a word is.

++ I love the composition of this icon - the crop and borders really compliment each other and the text is well placed.
++ The text pacement is great and I love the cropping and the coloring. The only minor concrit I have is to darken a little bit the first word, I know it's 'after', but it's a bit hard to read because of the light.
+ Simply yet nice looking icon, without many additional textures and color splashes gives clear message with readable text and simple blue coloring. The only disturbing thing is not exact width of borders in the edges, but maybe that was the plan of the maker.
+ Love the text and borders in this icon.



+ Although your icon looks great as is, I would maybe make the "to survive" a lot bolder, maybe in a font that really pops out so that a lot of emphasis is placed on it. Also, spreading out your text would make everything look less cramped.
+ I really like the simplicity and clean look of this icon, the light blue coloring and soft gradient in the background really work here. The text matches the rest of the icon, but I think the top part might look better if the block of text was wider - its shape would fill the negative space better, and it wouldn't be so close to the character's head.

+ I'm pretty amazed by the work done here: the painty effect on the character is outstanding. The background and composition is also really nice.


+ The use of colour and textures is really gorgeous in this icon!! The font choice and text placement is really good as well - however black is rarely a good colour choice for text and it tends to be too harsh and hard to read, using a lighter colour, like a light blue (or even that hot pink of stitch's tongue) might be a better choice
+ I love the blue tones on this icon, but the black text is unreadable over such a busy texture, and causes the icon to be out of balance and top-heavy.
+ You have good ideas for your texture use, but the background really drowns the subject here. The geometic texture is destracting enough that you don't need the other blue texture, which brings a motion that takes the eye further away from the subject. Stitch (I think?) doesn't stand out at all, I'd suggest you try using a projected shadow, or add a simple shape behind him that he would look more visible against. The text might work better in white instead of black, or you could try duplicating it, dragging it down a couple pixels and setting it to a light colour to make the whole thing more readable.
+ I like the composition and text of the icon but the subject of the icon seems to have gotten rather washed out. After your colouring is done, if you find that your subject looks too washed out, you can fix this by either masking away the adjustment layers on the subject alone, or by painting the subject in black on a new layer and setting that layer to Softlight. In this case, you can even paint the subject with a dark blue, if black is too stark.
+ The triangles texture behind the text makes it really hard to read combined with this font. Maybe in a white color and a font without serif would have made it less 'busy' and helped the reading.

+ The coloring here is great, the vibrant colors fit the screencap and the subtle painty effect looks good. However, the text and the texture underneath it overwhelm the icon and draw the focus away from Stitch. My suggestion would be to remove the texture, since it's too busy for this icon, and change the color of the text to match the screencap, either a lighter blue or dark pink, like Stitch's mouth.
+ The colouring here is absolutely gorgeous, but the icon feels too crowded, specially in the ipper part. The texture work from the lower part is quite pretty and the triangles feel to me a bit out of place,. They are also too dark in relation to the text, and is hard to distinguish the words with little contrast between one and the other.
+ The background texture is really distracting and the text gets lost. Maybe try a different colour or use drop shadow so the text stands out.

+++ The text is done perfectly and I really love the usage of reds, orange and black here. Love the border underneath.
+++ I love the crop, the coloring, and the text. The soft border on the bottom is perfect and suits the icon well. Great job!
+++ I love how warm the colouring is and the subtle texture use. Also, excellent text arrangement and I like that the colour of the text ties in with the border.
++ The coloring and contrast on this icon is lovely.


+ The warm coloring of the icon is great. However the light texture over the bottom left of the icon washes it a bit. The text placement is great, but I'd recommend changing the color, because now it blends with the image and it's hard to read.

+ I love the coloring and lighting here, they work really well together and the result is quite gorgeous. The text is a bit awkwardly placed though, and hard to see on the right, since it doesn't stand out against the character's face. Centered text would fit the center crop more, and if the text was brighter, it would be more visible.
+ The colouring, crop, light work in this are so gorgeous! The sharpening is also spot on, and it has this very painty look that is gorgeous. I feel the text could use a bit of work however, specially in placement and colour. I think centering it, or aligning it to one sie of the other of the text block would make it more cohesive. The words in the middle are also a bit difficult to read, so a lighter colour that contrasted more with her skin would probably help.

+++ Everything in this icon is so wonderfully made - the text and colours are so beautifully combined in the icon and the light blobs on the sides surround the icon really well.
+++ Amazing composition and text use. Also great use of colors and light. And the painting effect on the character is working pretty well!

+ No reason provided.
+ No reason provided.
+ No reason provided.
+ No reason provided.
+ The text block and the borders are really eye-catchy.
+ Great job with the duplicated text layers and all the colours, the neon effect looks great!

+ I think this icon is very interesting, but there's too mucho going on around the subject that it makes it look crowded and difficult to figure out. Maybe making the border around it the same colour (or similar) as the bacground would have made it stand out more, instead of blending it with the text.
+ The color of the text is acceptable but it's too sharpened and the character is too blurry, and the text distracts from the character very much, so maker could make text less 'neon' or make character more visible.
+ The text is really great, the different colours and layers are so interesting. But you lose the image completely, you can't tell what or who it is, its lost any sharpness and visibility.
+ The face and hands seem washed out because of the coloring/text. I really love text+outline in the words!
+ The coloring and composition is so cool, but unfortunately her face is so bright, it looks like she doesn't have any eyes.

+ I really like the vibrant colors you've used in the icon. However, I'm not sure if I'm supposed to be able to read the words between the booms but if I am, it would really improve the icon if those were legible.
+ Amazing coloring and work with neon colors. And composition is great. The only thing that bothers me is that I can't recognize who is it on the icon.
+ Love the bright colours and the creative way in which the text has been done. I do think however that the text slightly overwhelms the subject.
+ I love so much about this icon -- the composition, the colors in the text, all so good! But the cutout figure manages to be both blurry (in the face) and oversharpened (everywhere else), and it really detracts from the rest.

The Deadly PancakePOSITIVE VOTES
++ Normally I personally prefer when the icon is balanced when it comes to blocking or borders, but in this case, the text placement works so well that it balances out the fact the right border is bigger. Beautiful icon and the magentas contrast very well with the cyans.
++ I love when blue and pink are paired. They make the icon look bright and shiny. Also, the text on the this icon is beyond amazing. It’s a whole chunk of text but by varying the fonts and the sizes, you’ve made it look neat and not overwhelming. Also, I love how the colour of the text matches up with the background and border.
++ The composition and different fonts use is wonderful and the vivid coloring is very pretty!
+ Great coloring and I love the cyan/pink combo.

+ I think the combination of different fonts and colors looks great here, and I like how the text is arranged around the character. I'm a fan of the uneven borders too, it's a really simple things, but it adds a creative touch to the icon.


+ Love the text in this.
+ The colouring, and text composition are very lovely. But some of the words are a bit hard to read for me, and a bit oversharpened.
+ The border on the right-hand side of the icon is so much wider than the border on the left, and it cuts into the text at the end (the O in DO and the Y in THEY). It's very distracting, and I think the icon would have been better if the border had been symmetrical.

Thanks for your patience with this, guys! Congrats to everyone, and please remember to get your votes in for Challenge 05!

-round 15, r15c04, !results

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