Round 14 - Challenge 01 - Results

Sep 22, 2014 21:00


What a great voting turn out as well, guys! And I can see that some of you are already vying for that MVP award. Good on you! Just a small note for everyone: I am putting a moratorium on the word sickly. If I see it in the concrit section or the additional votes section of your voting form, you will be asked to edit your vote from now on.

1ST PLACE [5 points]:

morpho90 with +9 votes [and the most first place votes].

2ND PLACE [4 points]:

emiels with +9 votes [and more first place votes].

3RD PLACE [3 points]:

margerydaw_s2 with +9 votes.

MOST CREATIVE [2 points]:

emiels with +8 votes.

MODS CHOICE [1 point]:


[Really lovely use of silhouettes here! I also love how whimsical the coloring is. The overall effect of both of these things is really quite delightful.]

+++ = 1st Place Vote
++ = 2nd Place Vote
+ = 3rd Place Vote | Beginning of a new comment.

Note: Votes are not weighted in this round. Meaning a 1st, 2nd or 3rd vote will only give you 1 point when tallying the votes.
[Tiebreaker procedure:]Except in the case of a tie - then the icon with the most 1st place votes will be given first. This is upheld in all cases unless 1) the amount of votes is equal in all cases (i.e. 3 first place, 2 second place, and 1 third place) or 2) breaking the tie would result in an icon with enough first place votes to place being knocked out of a placing spot (i.e a third place tie between two icons). In these cases, ties will stand as is in order to maintain a sense of fairness for all participants.


sietepecadosPOSITIVE VOTES
+++ The colors, with the creation of light and shadows, really is stunning.
++ I love the use of lighting in this icon!
+ very nice lighting and coloring
+ I like the coloring, and the use of light and shadow.



+ Great job with the lighting in this icon!
+ Beautiful light and colors, it just needs a bit more sharpening.

kirtash_girlPOSITIVE VOTES
+++ I love the crop and coloring! The slightly grungy texturing adds interest without distracting from the subject.
++ I like how the image stands out from the background.



+ Would perhaps work better as a center crop or one where her head isn't cut off at the top.
+ Lovely texture work! Personally, the icon feels a little unfinished to me, maybe some text might help?
+ I really like the textured background in this icon, and I think using some gradients for lighting would really make this one stand out.



+ I love the brownish/blueish coloring of the icons, and the contrast as well but I think there are some areas that are over-sharpened. maybe you could try smudging them out.

+ The cropping in this icon is great, and the lighting is spot on.
+ I like the icon but I do wish it had been a little less sharp around his face and his hair.
+ I really like the crop and colouring here! The icon is just a tad over sharpened though

+++ I love the muted, grungy look of this icon. Textures have been used really well and the crop is simple but effective.
++ I like the subtly grungy texture use and dark, muted coloring.
++ I love the flat, matte colouring of the icon. The crop is pretty great too as is the texture use.
+ I love the colouring of this icon, the grundge-y effect is really nice too!



+ I like this icon a lot! The coloring is deep and rich, and the crop is great, but the texture seems a bit out of place, since the image is really, really smooth. I think it would work better if there was more graininess in the icon.

++ The contrast between the darkness on the right side and the brightness of the left side is very intriguing. Also a very good crop.
+ The crop highlights the intimacy of the scene. Her hair is a bright spot that automatically draws the eye. Overall, though, the icon is a little blurry and in the darker areas, such as around the eye and mouth, there's almost no definition.


+ this is a nice crop. the subject's face is too dark to make out well though.
+ The darkness in the center of the icon obscures the image, and it's hard to tell what is going on. I do like the highlight on the blonde hair though.

+ I like the colouring of the icon as well as the crop.
+ Really like the colouring here, and on the whole I think the lighting is really well done, although I do think that the character on the right's face could use just a little brightening up.
+ This is a great (and visually interesting!) crop choice! However, the colours are a little bit muddled and it makes his skin a little too red/orange and dark, I would reccomend taking off some of those colours/textures and lighten the icon a little more too
+ The light vs. dark here is very lovely, but something happened that muddled his face. I don't know if it's textures or too much contrast. Making his face more clear would really make this icon great.

midnightisclosePOSITIVE VOTES


+ I really like the soft coloring. The maroon, violet and soft yellow all work work together. The crop is a bit awkward, with Ron's fist at the edge while there is extra space on his other side. Also, the white decorative texture on top doesn't seem to fit.

+ Really nice muted blue colouring!
+ I realy love the colouring here! The decorative texture is a nice touch too. I would've used a different crop though because as it is now it's a little awkward, so either a little smaller (or maybe moved downwards) for an icon with more negative space or a closer one.
+ First of all, I love the coloring here, the muted purple is lovely. This would have been one of my top 3 icons if you had removed the original background, or maybe darkened it to make the decorative texture stand out more - as it is, the texture is almost invisible against the brighter part of the background (window?), and doesn't really work as a frame.
+ I really enjoy the muted coloring you've got going here. I feel that the white texture over top distracts a bit from the icon, not really adding anything, especially with the way it interacts with his left arm. I think the icon would be stronger if you let the muted coloring carry it more and removed the texture.

slytheringurrlPOSITIVE VOTES


+ It's great that you have done a lot with the original image and have been creative. However the coloring is so bright it washes out his face and makes the icon look quite sharp. The background texture doesn't match the colors of the subject either. Perhaps choosing a more pale and calm background would ease up the look of the icon. And also remember, the more contrast you have in an icon, the less sharpening you need.
+ I like the crop in this icon, but the colouring looks oversaturated to me - the character's neck has gone entirely yellow. Lowering the saturation a bit and reducing the yellows in the icon might help to fix this.
+ The background is nice but it looks really out of place against the over-saturated yellows of his face. There's a lot of variation in the sharpness of the icon too - the wings are really blurry but he is really sharp.
+ I like the greens and blues that you've brought into this icon! However, it feels a little too busy for me with all of those elements competing in the 100x100 space. The character is also a little over sharpened for me.
+ Love the creativity of this icon and the idea behind it. The yellow saturation on the character's face is over powering and not consistent as it looks like it may have been masked off his face. The cut out looks good but the texture takes away some of the details that could have made this icon stand out more.
+ I love the idea with the wings and the "grunge" background texture, but the whole icon seems a bit oversaturated. I suggest that you should have an eye on the "levels", because the image is a bit too bright. Furthermore it would be helpful when the color of the background fits to the image, in this case it would be nicer when the background has a more warm color (for example: pastel).
+ This icons seems a bit like a collection of elements that are fine on their own, but don't really mesh together. The bright yellow highlights you added to the image look out of place against the blue background; using blue for the highlights or a warm color for the background would help tie the icon together. The decorative texture is a nice touch, but since the character is turned a bit sideways, the texture doesn't align with him like it should. If you're using photoshop, try using perspective or distort (found under edit/transform) to edit the texture to fit the screencap.
+ I think the icon had a good crop, but the excessive coloring has burnt too much the colors so it seem LQ. In my opinion i would have choose a less muddler background and used a less intense color.
+ I like the creativity behind this composition, but the subject is far too contrasted and it makes the image look low quality as a result, particularly with that yellow on his neck seeping into his face. I also think the background is too busy and distracts from the lovely wing texture you've used. I'd opt for a simpler solid color or gradient for that.
+ The original cap seems to have been made too bright, making his face look flat and also a bit too yellow to be natural. Also the placement of the wings texture doesn't feel right, they would be better bigger and orientated like they both come from the same place on his back.
+ I actually really love the composition of the icon. The addition of the wings was a really nice touch. However, I do wish it could have been slightly sharper ( it is too blurry now) and the sickly yellow at his throat could have been masked away.
+ The crop is nice but the icon is too highly sharpened, which leaves the icon a little LQ in appearance. The background texture, while nice on its own, doesn't really match with the subject and the wings don't really seem to fit well.

+ I like the busy-ness of the background and the softness here, but the yellow color on the figure is very distracting.



+ I like the crop on this one, but in my opinion the white spot, behind the subject, is a little distracting, and takes the eye from the character. Maybe using some darker texture, or coloring the area would have work in favor of the whole icon.
+ I like the slightly off-center crop in this icon, but I find the greenish hue towards the right side of the icon over the character's face to be a bit distracting. I think either pushing the unnatural colouring further or removing the green area for a more 'natural' look would work.
+ This is a great crop choice! I'm not so sure about the colouring here though, the greens that you've use makes his skintone look really sickly and unnatural
+ I like the crop of the icon but the green cast on the character's face makes him look very sallow. The use of light is nice but the purple on the right shoulder could have been mirrored on the left to color the shirt and provide more depth.
+ The icon is enough simple, i dared a little more with crop and color, making it an unique icon. Probably a close crop would have been a good idea.
+ The crop leaves a little to be desired, perhaps just a center crop would have worked better, and the coloring is a bit splotchy and odd looking in that he has yellow and green splotch skin. Would have worked better with a more skin toned coloring.


+++ I love the text work in this icon! the lighting is lovely as well!
++ The cut-out and especially the text work are really pretty.
+ The blue coloring and the text in the background works very well. Though I wish the "free" part was also in the background somehow, because the way the top of the f covers the subject face is a bit distracting. Alternately one could either tilt the word counter clock wise, just to make the f get off her face, or one could move the entire word a bit too the left. One could also change the font to one that isn't script.

+ No reason provided.
+ The idea with the text in the background with different font styles is lovely.

+ I do love the composition of the icon as well as the super neat cut out of the subject. However, I do think there are too many disparate text elements. There seem to be 3 to 4 different fonts and not much variety in them, which seems to be clogging the icons's composition. I think instead of using all decorative fonts here, you could have mixed up your font selection by using sans-serif and decorative fonts. It would have made the icon's composition a lot neater.
+ I like the simple and clean composition of this icon, but the text adds a rather cluttered look that distracts from the rest of the icon. The different fonts, sizes and letter spacing values, together with the rotation of some lines, make the text look messy - sticking to only one or two styles could help create a more visually cohesive effect. Also, the image is slightly washed out; keeping the pink lips and cheeks from the original screencap would have given the image a bit more depth.
+ Lovely coloring and crop. However, the text really stands out from the icon. I think a different color would help it blend in better. The text also looks a bit oversharpened.

+ I'd really like this one, but the furl of the 'f' on her face is too distracting to me. But I love the crop and the lighting.
+ I absolutely love the text use in this icon.

++ The light here is really gorgeous, and the coloring is perfect.
+ The center crop and light coloring work well here in grounding the subject in the icon. I also like the texture use in the background, which isn't too busy or distracting but instead adds more depth to the icon.



+ Great texture use and lighting! I would've added another vibrance layer though? (I just like going crazy with them maybe)
+ The coloring and light here are beautiful, but I think the clock texture is just distracting and unnecessary. If you took that off, this icon would look great.




+ Superb colouring! I like how bright and fresh the yellows and greens look.
+ I love the vibrant colours in this icon! (I would've just toned down the orange on her skin a litttttle)
+ There are great colors here, but I think the icon is a bit too dark and oversharpened.
+ the colors of this icon are bright and amazing but I think it would be better if there was less yellow gradient on her skin because it gives a different tone other than that of her face.

+++ I think this icon is practically perfect... I love negative space and this is full representative. I love the color, the background, the flames and the texture applied on. I would not change anything!
+++ I love the composition. The pentagrams and the flames and Dean's blacked out eyes all combine very well to give an impression of hell.
+++ Excellent texture use and coloring. I like how starkly he stands out against the background, but the flames really add a lot to the composition.
+++ Gorgeous coloring with a very creative composition. It's very well executed.
+++ I really like the overall look on this one. The use of flames, and the vibrant coloring is really great. Everything fits to the subject. Also it's pretty creative!
++ The use of flames and the textures in the background along with the red/yellow coloring is stunning. Everything goes harmoniously together.
++ Great composition and colors, I also love the sharpness of the icon.
+ The composition and texture work are so pretty. The cut-out is also really well done.
+ The icon is a little on the sharp side but the colors are nice and vibrant and the fire and background textures work well together.

+ No reason provided.
+ No reason provided.
+ No reason provided.
+ Really great texture work!
+ For me this icon is the most beautiful and original and I already have explained why. It's just perfect.. The red makes the subject stand out and the flames texture makes it captivating.
+ Background is creative, the use of texture on the sides to match the flames is very well done.
+ Fantastic texture use all around! The symbols in the background and the fire in the foreground look great, and the darkened eyes add to that effect.
+ Very nice use of the fire effect and the background fitting the subject and the tv show.

+ love the composition but the subject feels oversharpened or too contrasty
+ There's too much going on here for the crop. I'd like it better if the figure took up more room in the frame, or even less room in the frame -- I either want them to dominate the other elements or be dominated by them. Right now, everything is about the same importance, and that makes it too busy for me.
+ There's a lot about this icon that I really like. The composition is eye-catching and the way you've gotten the flames around his body is really skilled. On my monitor, however, the subject himself is overly bright and sharp, especially his face, possibly from too much contrast or vibrancy. This works against the deeper, smoother nature of the icon as a whole.

+ The composition and texture work here is amazing! The character is just a tad oversharpened on my monitor though
+ The texture use and bold colouring in this icon is superb! The only reason it didn't get into my top 3 is because Dean's face looks a bit overly pink and saturated on my monitor.

+ I like the warm, soft colors, and the use of negative space.
+ The coloring is really lovely.



+ Super pretty colouring, I love how dreamy this icon looks.

+ I think the icon is really original and both color and texture are very well applied.

+ This is a very good use of the cap! I would tru using a different font maybe but the colouring of the icon (and the colour choice for the font) is really nice!

+ It's too dark, and it's hard to tell what the image is. Also, the text is small and hard to read.
+ I really like the contrasting colors of purple and yellow that you chose. They really pop against each other. However, the yellow text placement feels a bit 'random' right now to me, especially with how spaced out they are. The font choice is really creative and interesting, but I'm not sure it is being used to it's full potential here. Because the yellow pops so much against the purple, my eye is drawn to all three of the text areas and then his face, giving the icon 4 competing focal points and making it feel a bit busy. Moving the text all together would make for a more cohesive icon, in my opinion.
+ This is just too dark for me. I know monitors can vary a lot, but there's just so little contrast on the face of the subject, compared to the brightness of the color chosen for the text.
+ I really love the composition and the idea of shadow and light, but the yellow text (texture?) is blurred. It would look better when the text is that clear as the image.
+ I really like the coloring on this one, but on my monitor the icon is very dark. Maybe a little more contrast or some light texture on the left side would make the subject more visible.
+ I like the use of shadows here, but the coloring is so intense and dark that it's hard to find a focal point to grasp onto, especially since your text is yellow and that's also distracting. I'd recommend using a different color for the text, and maybe even a different font, to add to the icon but still be cohesive with the overall image.

+ the monochrome purple coloring is really great and it goes very well with the yellow text. although I think (in my opinion of course) it could use a bit more brightness.
+ I think this icon has a lot of potential, but the execution is not quite there. The text looks fuzzy - the font probably wasn't meant to be used at such small size, and some parts, especially the T's and O's, could use a bit of touch up - rasterizing the text layer and erasing the fuzzy parts/adding a few pixels here and there to define the letters more could really help. I really like the yellow/purple contrast though, and how the text is arranged over the image.
+ Really like the use of complimentary colours here! I do think that it's a bit hard to make out the character's features though.




+ This feels like a bit of an awkward crop to me. The way you've used the lighting though is amazing!
+ The bit of light around his chin and the empty space in the bottom right corner both seem oddly out of place here. If it weren't for that, this would be one of my favorites -- I really love the coloring and detail that you have.
+ You've pulled off a really great close crop here!

+++ the composition is really well done, and the minimal coloring fits well
+++ I like the layered look, and the coloring. It's very striking.
+++ The composition works really well as well as this black & white coloring combined with the red.
+++ I really love the composition, and the red/greyish palette is really beautiful I also love the grunge in the icon.
+++ The coloring is amazing. I like the "vintage" look and the composition with the red star in the middle of the icon and the silhouette within it.
+++ I love the muted reds of this icon, and also the composition - the blending of the smaller image with the close crop is great, and the star accent and other textures work really well!
++ Beautiful, muted coloring and interesting composition.
++ I really like the composition on this one. Those two caps blends really great together. Also I like the muted colors.
+ The composition is very neat and I love how muted the colouring is, along with the slightly grungy look of the icon.

+ No reason provided.
+ No reason provided.
+ No reason provided.
+ No reason provided.
+ Very striking, and good use of minimal color.
+ The composition stands out as unique and interesting.
+ Very interesting composition in this one - I love the use of multiple images and close cropping in the background, full body in the foreground.

+ I really like the composition with the two images and the star. But all three images blend together too much because the eye is not drawn to anything in particular. I think maybe if there was a little color delineation between the images, even just a little, would make it work better.

+ I like the idea behind the composition, but something about it looks somewhat cluttered. I think focusing on one image would have worked better for this composition, or perhaps making the background Bucky dark (say, a muted red-black gradient map) and making the front Bucky brighter. Slightly muddled at the moment and too much darkness in the center, which throws off the balance.
+ Nice job blending! I like the way you have used the star in your icon and I really like the colors you've chosen. I'm almost positive the issues I have with your icon are just monitor differences, but regardless, I have a hard time making out the smaller figure in front of the star because of how dark it is and that it is against a darker portion of the background cap, I can only really make out the two arms. If the star was slightly more opaque, I think I could make out the smaller figure much more easily.
+ I think the composition of this icon is very nice, but it's hard to see what's going on in the center - the silhouette in the foreground blends with the hair and shadows of the background image, and at first glance it looks as if tiny limbs were coming out of the guy's neck. It would help if the background image was brighter, or if the star was set to (for example) screen, thus allowing the foreground image to stand out more.
+ I love the colouring here! I love the sepia-ish tones in this icon with that dark red (I'm just having a little trouble distinguishing the image in the foreground but I'm unfamiliar with the fandom so)

+++ The coloring is beautiful. The purple and magenta go well together. It's dark but it's very clear so you can see the details in the icon.
++ The colouring and grunge textures look great here. I also like how the splashes of other colours like the orange in the top-right corner and the green grunge emphasise the strong pinks and purples, and I love the painty effect on her hair!
++ Great crop and the purple/pink coloring is very creative and gives the icon a bit of character.

+ Your use of gradient maps (or whatever you used to achieve a similar effect to the coloring) is really well done. I like that you went for deeper shades because they set off the slight grunge texture you used very well. On my screen, the back of his neck is a bit too bright pink and distract from the rest of the icon, so I'd recommend downing the saturation on that area just slightly, but the icon as a whole is really great!


+ this purple coloring is really lovely and I think it suits the icon really well.
+ Pretty coloring, but it could use more contrast because it's very dark at the moment.
+ Really cool unnatural colouring and grungy texture use!
+ The colouring here is amazing! The crop and the texture work is lovely too, my only critique would be it looks like a needs a little more light/lighting (some b&w gradients maps might help) but apart from that it's a great icon!
+ Overall, this icon is very good - great job with the monochrome coloring and subtle graininess - but there are some minor details that could be corrected. The text in the upper left corner doesn't seem to serve any purpose, as it's neither readable nor decorative; a solid color or a subtle gradient could work better here. Also, the crop is slightly off, since the boy takes up more space than the girl; moving the image a few pixels to the left would put their mouths in the middle and make the icon more balanced.

++ I like the crop and color. The effect used make the icons almost mystic, with a mystery atmosphere and i really like it. I love how the light is used on the subject and for this reason is one of my favourite icon on the batch.
+ I love the light and contrast here.


+ I really like the icon but I think it would be better with more contrast on his face and the icon looks blurry so some sharpening would have help to define it a bit more.

+ I really love the lighting here, although on my monitor this icon does look a little bit undersharpened.
+ Lovely use of lighting and a very nice colouring! It's just a tad blurry on my screen though

queen_bartoniaPOSITIVE VOTES
+++ The bright colors combined with the silhouette in this icon gave it a lot of pop! Going vibrant with this icon was a nice choice because it sets off the darkness of the silhouettes in a really nice way and gives the icon a lot of interest, while still not distracting the focus because the background is relatively simple. I also like the slight grunge to the icon which I feel adds a bit more interest to the icon overall.
++ The cutouts, shadow and background are all interesting and well done.
++ The bright, light and airy colouring in this icon is so pretty, and the peoples' dark silhouettes really stand out against the bright and breezy background.
+ The composition is lovely, it fits very well to place the image in the centre of the icon. I also love the bright, but also soft coloring.
+ I simply adore the coloring of this icon, it looks straight out of a fairy tale book. There are some issues with sharpening, especially visible on the shadows and between the hills and the sky, but overall this icon is very charming.

+ I love the contrast of the figures with respect to the icon. They stand out very well against the pastel-y colouring of the icon.

+ The colors here are gorgeous, but I think the icon is just too sharpened. I can see along all the edges - the shadows, the skyline. Bringing down the sharpening would make this icon perfect.

+ Pretty colors and nice use of negative space, but it's overly sharp on my screen.
+ I really like the nice vibrant colours you've got going here! The negative space is also really well done~ (Its just a tad too sharp on my screen)

margerydaw_s2POSITIVE VOTES
+++ Nice coloring and the background texture works well with the character.
+++ Great composition. The colors and background go very well together.
++ The background texture fits perfectly with the image because the orange "flowers" repeat in the orange of the clothing and also the bright coloring is lovely.
++ I love how simple and elegant this icon is. Textures like the one you used for the background are a bit hit-or-miss, since they can easily take the focus away from the subject, but here it works really well!
+ The colouring here is so bright and pretty, and I like the subtle lighting.
+ No idea what the fandom is but the fake background looks great and all the colours go really well together. Also, nice gentle use of lighting to add depth to the icon.
+ Beautiful coloring with lovely brown tones.
+ the cropping is really great and I love the pattern in the background and the colors.
+ The more I look at this icon, the more I like it. The cheery yellow tone is a really good choice and you kept it from being eye searing very well! And I like that the texture in the background brings out the orange in her clothing while not being distracting. Oh my screen, the edges of the subject are a bit sharp and jagged and I'd like to her integrated into the icon more, but it's a small thing.



+ So pretty, and I like how much the background matches with the subject's image and colors.

+++ This icon immediately caught my eye with its beautiful blue coloring, I really like how it's dominant but not overpowering. Same with the light textures on the sides; they're enough to give the icon a light, dreamy look, but not obscure the subject. The text could be more visible though, maybe a bigger font size would look better?
++ great coloring and lighting, as well as text work
++ I really like how you used light textures here to give a sense of the blues surrounding him. Your contrast is also really well done and I think is a good balance to the softness a lot of light textures bring. On my monitor the text is a might hard to read but overall I really like this icon!


+ I really love this icon, and the colors are bright and beautiful but to me there are some areas around his face and his hair that I find a little blurry.
+ Overall I really like the icon but I think the text work lets it down a bit - it looks a bit out of place and also the light texture obscures it a bit too much. The white text looks good but I think the font of the blue text could do with being less ornate or a bit bolder.
+ This is a lovely icon, great lighting and coloring. In fact it would be one of my favorites if it weren't for the text. It is quite difficult to read what it says, and the blue word (tragedy?) looks a bit sharp as well. I think this icon has enough other elements that it could go well without the text. But if you really want text on it, I would suggest duplicating the text and change the first layer of text into a color contrasting with the color of the top layer. And then nudge the bottom layer a bit down and to the side. This makes the text "pop" and it gets more legible.

+ I like the coloring and light, airy feeling of the icon, but the light blobs make his hair look too blurry at the edges, and the text is hard to read. I'd suggest a darker shade of the text behind the white text, to help it become more legible.
+ The colouring in this icon is so pretty! I just wish I could read the text a little better.

Updated Scoring Spreadsheet

r14c01, -round 14, !results

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