Round 13 - Challenge 02 - Results

Mar 05, 2014 21:00


1ST PLACE [5 points]:

kayable with +12 votes (and more first place votes).

2ND PLACE [4 points]:

nyaza with +12 votes.

3RD PLACE [3 points]:

neversleeps with +11 votes.



nyaza & jokermary with +4 votes.

MOD'S CHOICE [1 point]:


[I love this simple, straightforward application of the theme. The coloring is gorgeous, and I love love love the pop of the pinks hidden in there. The blocking is executed brilliantly, and the focus is clearly delineated by the framing. Just, overall, an excellent icon!]

+++ = 1st Place Vote
++ = 2nd Place Vote
+ = 3rd Place Vote | Beginning of a new comment.

Note: Votes are not weighted in this round. Meaning a 1st, 2nd or 3rd vote will only give you 1 point when tallying the votes. [Tiebreaker procedure:]Except in the case of a tie - then the icon with the most 1st place votes will be given first. This is upheld in all cases unless 1) the amount of votes is equal in all cases (i.e. 3 first place, 2 second place, and 1 third place) or 2) breaking the tie would result in an icon with enough first place votes to place being knocked out of a placing spot (i.e a third place tie between two icons). In these cases, ties will stand as is in order to maintain a sense of fairness for all participants.



+ No reason provided.
+ No reason provided.
+ I love the intricate blocking of this icon. There's a lot going on but the icon maker has an eye for compositional balance and it doesn't feel overwhelming. I also love that it uses cool colors in a very natural way.

+ This icon is quite pretty. However, the two vertical lines are unnecessary and distracting. Also, the coloring should be a bit brighter.


+++ the composition and cropping of both caps is well done. and it has such a great muted colouring.
+++ I love the combination of close and far crops and the composition works really well. This is a beautiful icon.
+++ excellent composition
+++ Such a pretty composition, I like that the cut between the caps is not straight, following the top of the building. And the text and his placement is also lovely and had a lot to the icon.
++ Such a beautiful way to incorporate the theme of blocking! I really love the crops and caps you used here, and the beautiful coloring :3
++ The muted colors you used are gorgeous and the white text against the background is a nice complement to the icon.
++ The colouring and composition of this icon is gorgeous!
++ Lovely coloring, I like the asymmetrical division between the caps.
+ Lovely composition - the diagonal crops add motion and interest to the icon, and I like the juxtaposition of partial close crop and negative space. The white text balances out the icon without being obtrusive. The only thing I might change would be to add a little more contrast to the bottom image.
+ I like the simplicity of this, how the maker focused on just using these two caps. And the color is kept in cool tones but it still has a natural touch to it.
+ Love the off-kilter blocking and the combination of the caps. Coloring is spot on and the text placement works as well to balance the negative space in the bottom cap.



+ This icon is really pretty and technically very well executed. There's little I can fault it on except that, from looking at the other entries, maybe the maker could have pushed themselves further and added another screencap or two? As it is, the icon appears a bit simple for the theme.

holidaylightsPOSITIVE VOTES
+++ Great coloring and the composition is terrific.
++ great contrasting colors
+ Great composition and great choice of backgrounds coloring.
+ I love how you've used colour in this icon! The composition is great too



+ Great composition
+ This icon is really, really pretty. I love the blocking and the composition and it's a great way of using multiple caps and still keeping a clean look and feel. To me, the whit block is a bit jarring. It seems a bit too bright next to the other colours so if the maker is so inclined them might want to try even and off-white colour and experiment with how that looks.
+ Great composition on this. I love the alternating colors. However, I do feel like the colors aren't as cool as they could be to fit the theme.
+ I really liked this icon, but the red elements tipped this icon over from the "cool" side to "warm" for me, as red is a very strong, aggressive color as opposed to blue/cool tones being more recessive.
+ Using the colour red doesn't really fit with the theme of using cool colours


+ The subtle changes in expression, and the contrast of lighting in the cap make this icon so emotional, and the subtle gradation is a nice touch as well~


+ Fantastic use of text!
+ What great lighting! For me the icon is a tad bit on the dark side and I think a curves layer to brigthen it would be really great but it's still a very, very pretty icon as is :)

partitioningPOSITIVE VOTES
+++ The composition is so original! I really like the texture use and the decorative accent works so good!
+++ Gorgeous silky finishing with amazing color and graphic element.
+ The composition is perfectly executed and very unique.

+ No reason provided.

+ The edges here are quite jagged, so while the colors and tones of the icon are lovely, the edges are quite distracting.
+ I really like the composition but what prevented me from voting is the fact that it's too sharp, especially on the edges of Scott's face.
+ I absolutely love the use of the diamonds shape and the softness of the background coloring, but the main image looks a little over sharp and under contrasted - I think it would benefit from having the shadows recolored to black instead of blue.

+ The composition of this icon is very interesting. I love the use of gemoetric shapes to draw interest to the center of the icon. The blue shadows and the way the maker's played with contrast and lighting here is pretty cool too. The only thing I'd watch for is sharpening. Some of the lines along the shadow/light areas are very pixelated on my monitor.
+ the colouring and blocking on this icon are great, however, i find the decorative accent of the geometric figure very distracting, and i personally find it would have worked better without it. I also find it to be a bit oversharpened on the right side.
+ lovely use of caps, lovely use of geometric element
+ I really love the composition of this icon! I love the colors and everything. My only gripe is the sharp and jagged edge of the subject's face in the central cap, it's very harsh and I would pass once or twice over this line with a blur tool at 5% opacity to smoothen it out a bit.

scifishipperPOSITIVE VOTES


+ The idea behind this icon seems pretty cool. I love the monochrome and the way the cyan/blue colour choice is augmented by the caps chosen to give the icon a nostalgic feel. To me, I think the text is misplaced and possibly unneeded. At the moment the text takes my attention away from the subjects of the icon and lessens the overall impact. I can't say for certain without seeing a textless alternate but I do feel like is this kind of icon, when there are so many caps, the simple route is sometimes better.
+ I like the composition, but the text texture is a bit distracting. I suggest erasing the parts covering the subjects and just keeping it more in the background.
+ The monochrome coloring makes it undercontrasted and hard to see what's going on, and even more with the tiny text that comes across half of the icon, covering the subject.
+ I like the contrasting colors, but the monochrome and small size of the images makes them a little hard to make out, and the diagonal writing also obscures the subjects a bit.
+ it looks like the text was set on "multiply" - or some form - which makes it sometimes seeable and sometimes not, this could be corrected by a different blending mode or the text being in a different color. As is, it distracts from the overall look of the icon. Additionally, the overall coloring lacks focus - the use of white/cyan/black and whatnot makes the icon hard to see.
+ This icon has the effect of looking very busy and a focal point is lacking. I think it would have been improved without the black text brush and also a lighter touch on the cyan or maybe using other colors on different blocked sections. The bottom is especially dark on my monitor and I can't make out the image.
+ I feel that the blank section at the bottom left draws the eye more than the spaces with a screencap. I also think that the use of monochromatic coloring would be more effective if there were fewer squares, and that the remaining sections were larger, so we could see more emotion from the characters portrayed~
+ I really love the blocking in this icon. It has a good combination of far and away caps which give it depth. I do wish the text wasnt going diagonally across it though. If the tiny text had been laid out horizontally and maybe in another colour, I think this would have looked more cohesive. As it is now, to me it feels a little unbalanced.

+ The contrast here is a bit too high, and the subject is blurry in several of the caps. I think a bit of polishing would make this icon look great.

+++ Even though I think it's a little bit too bright, the coloring is really lovely and the composition is playful and great.
+++ I love how you've used text here, there's so much attention to detail! The composition and coloring is lovely too.
+++ I really love how the text compliments the screencaps used in this icon
+++ Wonderful cut and coloring all over
++ Nice composition, I love that you chose to cut them all out of their backgrounds. It works really well and the text is really well done, choosing the colors from the caps makes it really looks like a whole.
++ This icon has the best coloring. Also the text use is amazing and text is usually difficult to make.
++ This icon is very cute. I love the overall blue scheme coupled with the bright clothing colors and text. The subjects are maybe a bit too light on my monitor which makes their features indistinguishable.
++ That's some very nice blocking. It's like blocking without blocking. The coloring on the character is great and the tiny text works really well.
+ I love how your icon tells a story with the use of blocking. I also think it was really smart to carry the colors in the text, which really makes everything cohesive.
+ It did take a while for me to figure out the icon but when I did, I absolutely loved it! Love the negative space and the colouring and I love how the text picks up the colours of the clothes the subjects are wearing!
+ This icon is so complex and it looks amazing! I love the bright coloring and the intricate text.
+ The use of text in this icon is fantastic! The font choices are great, the placement of the tiny texk id superb and the overall composition of the icon is well thought out. The lighting is a bit on the bright side for me but that's a very small critique in an otherwise very pretty icon

+ No reason provided.
+ No reason provided.
+ No reason provided.
+ No reason provided.


+ I love the text and the color scheme ties together perfectly!

++ This icon manages to fit so many caps into it without looking overstuffed. The icon is beautifully colored.

+ No reason provided.


+ The blocking on this icon is epic! I love that the maker really embraced the challenge and the end product is pretty cool. I like the colours and the lighting as well and, if I had to make any suggestions, the only thing I'd say is maybe use a smudge tool on the borders of each cap so that the icon blends together more smoothly. That's a pretty nit-picky critique though and I really love the icon as it is.
+ I really like the blocking in this icon too, but the number of lines (in the caps, and the lines created by blocking) tipped into the "overwhelming" side. Also the most solid element is the back of the guy in the middle cap and my eye kept getting drawn to that element in the cap instead of the subject's face.

++ I love the coloring for this icon, all muted cool tones and smoky lighting. The way the eye is drawn down the sides from the top left down to the biggest cap is also genius as it tells a clear story.

+ No reason provided.
+ No reason provided.
+ excellent use of caps
+ Such a pretty icon! The lighting is fantastic, I love the soft, muted colours and the blocking really does the theme justice. Well done to the maker :)


+ The light, pale coloring ties the pictures together, and the different caps work so well together to tell a story. The only thing I might change would be to delete the corner that's on top of his head in the bottom picture.
+ Great muted tones and cap choice though I think some further tweaking of the composition might have made this nice icon a great one.

++ great composition and coloring
+ Cool and different composition that makes the icon stand out.
+ I love the colouring and composition of this icon, it's wonderful
+ Very creative blocking, especially with the upside-down image and the image on the bottom.

+ No reason provided.


+ This icon looks a little sharp on my monitor. The harsh lighting and all the stark whites also make the icon look unfinished. I like that the maker played with the caps though and inverting the girl was a very creative touch :)
+ This icon is very creative and I love the positions of the screencaps. The idea of the black border on the top is great. However, on my monitors appears a little bit to sharpened and a little bit too bright.
+ Really interesting use of blocking here. I like the balance of all the images (though I may have preferred Lagertha slightly smaller if I were to nitpick.) The coloring on the focal caps is very nice though the green highlights in the image at the bottom are a little too green. Maybe desaturating that section a bit would help? Or maybe even setting that to greyscale? Overall, this is nice.

odd_one_aroundPOSITIVE VOTES
+ I like that the composition is so linear making the icon simply tells the story of Stile's awakening.
+ The composition of this icons is really simple but at the same time works so well! The coloring is perfect and the positions of all the three pictures are amazing.


+ While I love the screencaps choice, I think the lacks of contrast make the icons a bit dull.
+ I love the composition and colouring of this (I may have a soft spot for this guy's face though ♥ ). However, it looks a little undercontrasted (maybe you should play with the lighting a little bit more?)

+ Great choice of caps for this theme.
+ Great compostion and coloring.
+ I like the blocking and the soft blues are really pretty. I think the icon is a tiny bit dark though so maybe a curves layer to fix that?



+ I think you have a great composition going on here, but the bottom image in particular is very sharp, and it causes some pixelation that brings down the quality of the icon.

+ Overall this icon is lovely but I feel like the text could use some revision. The font colour is too close to the icon background colour so the text doesn't stand out enough for me. I also think the icon would benefit from a bold font. Other than that, I think the blocking on this icon was executed brilliantly.

+++ What an absolutely adorable icon. This is so appealing to look at and the more I look at it, the more I like it. The blocking is neatly done and the text is beautifully done! Also, the bright glow is very pretty to look at.
+++ On a technically unrelated note, the subject is adorable. I like the way the blocking is done here. It's not too crowded. And while the cool colors dominate, it doesn't turn the icon monochromatic.
+++ I absolutely love how vibrant the coloring is. It really gives the icon a warm feeling, despite its use of cool colors.
+++ This icon immediately caught my eye, I love the vibrancy of the colors here, it makes the icon pop. The contrast beteen the cool tones and the warm ones is very well done but definitely still within the realm of "cool". The text use is also superb.
+++ The soft vibrance and smoothness are really appealing, and the empty background contrasts nicely against the text and repetition, keeping the icon from looking too busy.
++ I adore the splashes of colour on this icon! the off-blacks and subtle use of light textures are super pretty and the text is really, really well done as too :)
++ Nice vibrant coloring and the text is nicely done.
++ I love the blocking of this icon and colouring really works well
++ Really cute icon with the coloring and the composition working great together.
+ I find this icon to have a great composition, specially in terms of colours. The colouring per se it's also great.
+ This is really cute. I love the alternating background colors.
+ excellent coloring

+ No reason provided.


+ The coloring here is so pretty and bright, and I think the text looks wonderful.
+ I really love this interpretation of the theme! The composition is truly amazing and the use of text is great, I think the choice of fonts works good.
+ This is a very cool icon. It does use cool colors, but the bright/warm words and accents take away from the cool theme.

blackberrypiesPOSITIVE VOTES


+ The icon is a little too sharpened and there is too much light in the icon, making the hard to tell what the icon is of.
+ This icon has a lot of potential! Unfortunately it feels very washed out due to the overwhelming whites and "pastel" coloring. I think what's important in blocking is seeing the whole icon and balancing out the blocks/caps as you go, whether balancing the scene or the colors or the "busy-ness" of the cap. For example the middle right cap feels out of place because of that blue wall on the left, it's smack dab in the center of the cap and becomes the focal point instead of Hawkeye (I think it is Hawkeye?) because it's the element with the strongest coloring and most solid element. Try to rearrange the caps around and give it a bit more contrast!

+ The lighting in this icon is incredibly harsh on my monitor. It's causing a lot of white space that makes the icon look incomplete. Picking a colour that's already present (maybe a light blue/cyan) and using it in a fill layer set on multiply (lowered opacity) could go some way towards helping tone down the whites and make the icon look more cohesive as a whole.
+ In each cap it looks like Hawkeye is too smudged. For example, the second one down on the right has him almost unrecognizable. I think the icon overall needs more contrast, and for some of the edges to be blurred a bit.
+ I like this but I'm missing a focal point.

++ great composition with multiple caps. the use of different colours plus black and white helps to focus on some of them. in my opinion it could be a bit lighter, but it still works this way.


+ The icon is quite dark and can't make out distinct caps.
+ While the overall composition is good, the coloring lacks depth & contrast. This could be made better by picking a different color palette; or by increasing some of all of the color depths. Additionally, some focus could be added to the icon by making the caps all one size, instead of many sizes.
+ There's some nice cropping on the individual caps (especially the top left corner and bottom left corner) but the compositional balance overall is lacking and the images feel randomly placed together.

+ I love the muted colours in this icon and the play with colour as well. That the maker's used different shades of monochrome helps set this icon shine just a little bit more as well, imo.
+ I love this icon, I love the mix between cool tones and monotone, the different perspectives and levels of detail. Well done!

+ Nicely monotoned icon and the different colors of the different blocks all work well with each other


+ The blank space in the icon makes the seem incomplete
+ While I really like this icon, the blank white space at the bottom left hand corner is confusing me? As it is, it makes it look unfinished and as if you planned for another screencap to go there but didn't quite make it? (I'm looking at the right icon, right?????)

+ The symmetric blocking here gives the icon great flow and clarity so it's really easy to see what's happening. That being said, I feel like the empty block on the bottom left disrupts that flow. It seems out of place to me and if the maker really doesn't want to add another screencap there then they might consider filling it with a darker colour picked from the icon and seeing how that looks.
+ I find this to be a very interesting icon. The blocking is nice, the colouring, while maybe a bit dark, is also lovely. I wish it didn'ta have the blank space in the lower part, as it make it look a bit unfinished, or empty. Maybe a simple plain colour, or another cap would have helped.
+ I can't decide if I like this or not? Part of me feels like it's unfinished and unbalanced - that there should be another image in the bottom left. The other part of me likes the creativity of the unusual shape.
+ Lovely picspam blocking! I really wanted to vote for this icon but the blank white space at the bottom kept bothering me sadly, as it feels like there is a missig portion of the icon that has not yet loaded and my attention kept getting split between the "present" caps and the missing portion.

iconsoleanderPOSITIVE VOTES


+ The background screencap is hard to make out (on my monitor), maybe using a curves layers to brighten it up would help or choosing a different screencap
+ The background image is really dark, making it hard to see the subject.
+ I think this icon could use a different crop or lighting for the background element, since the placement of the middle caps over the lower half of the background's face, and the subject's eyes being in the shadows, makes it difficult to "connect" with the cap as much. The element with the most "pull" at the moment is the background light in the background cap, instead of the subject's faces, so changing the cap or fiddling with the lighting would work well.
+ I can't make out the features in the top cap -- maybe a face? I'd recommend increasing the contrast so the details pop.
+ I'm always a bit in favor for blocking icons that don't use a gazillion images. However, the smaller images are blocking the view on the background which isn't supportive to the composition. Maybe moving them to the bottom of the icon, creating more of the threeway-splitscreen would work better.
+ The cropping of the top cap, and the composition are nice. But I find that the caps are too differently coloured. Although it's a good technic as any, in this case, there are different contrast, different colours, and different levels of darkness, and in the end, the icon doesn't feel cohesive. Maybe it could use some work on all the caps at the same time, so even if they are different, they get some adjustment to overlap. I feel using textures (grunges, and light specially) or a gradient (on soft light) could also help, as they would overslap the colours and dark/light of the caps) or maybe .

+ To me, the colours in this icon seem to be clashing with each other and the highlights and shadows seem to be overwhelming the midtones. Its something I can be guilty of at time as well and its difficult to say what could be causing this but the color balance, curves and levels layers might be helpful in regaining balance.
+ The composition is good but I think there is too much empty space. The three screencaps have different colors and so it seems there is not balance.
+ Parts of the image in the background is very dark on my monitor and I can't make out details. The dark blue on the image of the man facing our front is overwhelmingly blue. The text is a little blurry.


+ This is a very unique and neat take on the theme. It fits with the blocking theme but it definitely stands out from all the rest! :)

+ I love the creativity the maker of this icon shows with it's composition. The 'photo' idea is a great approach to the theme and, on the whole, they managed to mostly pull it off. I think that the placement of some of the photos could be revised. For example, part of Elena's eye in the photo on the top right is being cut off by the frame of the one below and that makes it look a bit awkward. The bit of free texture also looks a little out of place so maybe the maker could consider filling the entire canvas with photos? It's just an idea, perhaps the maker might feel more comfortable with adding some space instead of taking it away.
+ I like the idea of using the polaroid brushes/textures. Unfortunately, they are blocking the 'background' image in a way that doesn't seem favorable for the overall composition. Maybe a monochrom-ish background instead of the image would have worked better.
+ This icon is nice and the composition is very original but at the same time this polaroid effect looks a little bit awkward. Also on my monitor appears a little bit too sharpened.
+ I like how you were original in using the poloroid frames to incorporate the blocking theme into your icon, however, I feel that the white portions cause a stark contrast to the darkness of the caps you used, which somewhat disrupts the flow of the overall icon. A lighter palette would probably be a much better fit with the poloroid frames next time you expiriment with them!
+ I love the creative way you went about the blocking requirement. That said, I think the composition is a little off, with the subject's eye being cut off on the top image and the small bit of an eye "cutting" the bottom image on the cheek.
+ A bit on the sharp side and the way it is composed, with the pictures overlapping the other ones, it breaks of the flow and hard to keep you eye on any one thing.

+ The rotated edges of the polariod texture are sharp and pixellated and parts of the images themselves are also sharp. The blue-green texture in the corner is distracting.
+ I like this icon a lot. The photos make the individual caps pop.
+ intriguing interpretation of theme

margerydaw_s2POSITIVE VOTES
+++ This icon is seriously, seriously gorgeous!I love the composition and the texture use. The lighting is super, super pretty and the entire soft glowy look just jumps off the page and catches your eye straight away. Great job!
+++ The coloring on this icon is gorgeous, and the framing on the sides really makes the icon stand out.
+++ I love the clean composition, and the delicately muted lighting effects. The overall effect is dreamy and surreal, which works really well with the fantasy characters in the icon.
++ The composition is clean and polished, and the pop of pink stands out from the predominant blue.

+ No reason provided.
+ No reason provided.


+ Love the coloring on this.
+ lovely blues, lovely composition
+ I love how you've composed this icon! (it looks a tad under contrasted to me though)

madampresidentPOSITIVE VOTES


+ I like composition of this icon. To uses a central figure and then use the negative space to lay out different caps was a very cool idea. My issue though is the screen texture from the right side. It completely washes out the corner and looks a little odd. Using a gradient layer on screen and then copy-pasting the whole icon as a new layer and setting it on multiply/soft light (play around with the opacity) would have given you a similar effect without washing it out. In fact, it also does the neat trick of adding some additional depth.
+ The idea behind the composition is nice. However, I think it would have worked better if the central character was placed a bit lower (covering half the icon instead of most of it). It would have helped if there was some sort of difference between the background caps too (and caps with plain backgrounds like the lower ones make the subjects stand out more than the ones on the top, where the backgrounds have different colours and details that are a bit distracting).
+ The idea of this icon it's very good but I think the coloring should have worked better. Also, the light effect is too much and distracts from the subject.
+ Great idea behind the icon, but I think the light in right bottom doesn't make the subject shine above the screencaps making it blending a bit too much with them.

+ Firstly, kudos to the maker for managing to incorporate so many different caps into the icon and still maintain clarity! I love the lighting and the softness of the colours. The texture at the bottom right is a tad bit distracting, the way it covers Meryl is a little awkward. If the maker added the texture becuase they felt something was lacking for the icon then they might instead consider the stamp visible + gaussian blur + soft light combo. Other settings apart from soft light might work too as long as they're careful to keep a good balance with their lighting.
+ Interesting concept. I like the blocked background. The light texture at the bottom lowers the image quality though and some of the faces are too purple.

Updated Scoring Spreadsheet

-round 13, !results, r13c02

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