Round 13 - Challenge 02 - Voting

Mar 03, 2014 21:01


Time for a snack! )

-round 13, !voting, r13c02

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Comments 6

anonymous March 3 2014, 18:25:37 UTC
absolutelybatty March 3 2014, 22:07:48 UTC
As these are not negative votes, a little more detail will be needed in your constructive criticism votes this time around. You need not write an essay, but a little more context so that the maker who will, ultimately, receive this concrit will know what you're talking about would be lovely. Thank you!

ETA: There are several guides for concrit linked in the body of this post should you need an aid to guide your concrit writing. :)


anonymous March 3 2014, 23:45:39 UTC
absolutelybatty March 3 2014, 23:53:32 UTC
That is absolutely perfect! Thank you! :)


anonymous March 4 2014, 14:20:53 UTC
absolutelybatty March 5 2014, 03:45:53 UTC
Hello! Just wanted to drop you a quick mod note to say that, while I won't need you to re-submit your vote this time, next time, it would be good if you elaborated on vague terms and phrases like 'awkward' or 'should have worked better' so that the person receiving your concrit will know exactly what you're talking about and they get the most out of your comments. Thank you!


anonymous March 5 2014, 19:51:41 UTC
absolutelybatty March 5 2014, 23:43:14 UTC
Your English is perfectly fine so don't let that discourage you! :)

Just think about the types of votes you would want to receive for your icons and use those to guide your own responses. If you got a vote that told you your icon was awkward, you'd want to know where and why, right? So adding that to your vote makes it more constructive and the person receiving it will get more out of it.

If you need any help figuring out the best way to say something, you are always welcome to ask me, and we link several guides in every voting post to help you out as well. This one, in particular, is probably the most relevant to you.

Again, don't let this discourage you. There's always a bit of a learning curve for people who are new to this style of voting. Keep at it and you'll get there!


absolutelybatty March 5 2014, 09:59:59 UTC


anonymous March 5 2014, 22:41:18 UTC
absolutelybatty March 5 2014, 23:35:32 UTC
Voting for this challenge was closed prior to your vote submission; therefore, this vote cannot be counted. There are countdown clocks for every voting post to help you figure out when voting will close and get your votes in on time. ETA: The next round of voting is open here.


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