Round 11 - Challenge 10 - Results

Aug 04, 2013 21:00


1ST PLACE [5 points]:

vapor with +7 votes.

2ND PLACE [4 points]:

applepips16 with +5 votes.

3RD PLACE [3 points]:


john_scorpy & margerydaw_s2 with +4 votes.

MOST CREATIVE [2 points]:

margerydaw_s2 with +4 votes.

MOD'S CHOICE [1 point]:


[I just love absolutely everything about this icon. The blending is so smooth and interesting given the contrasts between the two figures. I love the slightly extreme cropping done here as well; it is rare that one can blend like this with such strangely angled crops, but here it simply works. The smoothness of everything (not just the blending as I mentioned earlier) is strangely enticing as well. It's soft, but at the same time the contrasts and the cropping keep it sharp too. And the lighting use is just everything I love about lighting use. Did I mention I love everything? I really do.]

+++ = 1st Place Vote
++ = 2nd Place Vote
+ = 3rd Place Vote | Beginning of a new comment.

Note: Votes are not weighted in this round. Meaning a 1st, 2nd or 3rd vote will only give you 1 point when tallying the votes. Except in the case of a SINGLE tie - then the icon with the most 1st place votes will be given first. In the case of multiple ties and ties that will result in the unfair disqualification of an icon that has accumulated enough votes to place, the ties will stand as is.


+++ I love the composition of the icon and the way the text acts a divisive boundary. The lighting is soft and beautiful too!
+ The contrast in this black & white is excellent. I love the composition.
+ Nice use of multiple images and text.
+ I love this composition! I would suggest a different font, with capital letters to make it easier to read, though.

+ No reason provided.

+ I really like your icon it is so simple and the contrast is gorgeous but what I'd recommend is to maybe try a different composition because right now the main focus (for me at least) is the text. And also according to my monitor his hair and the text could use a bit blurr but that's it!
+ The icon's layout and composition is very nice, but the text is hard to read and distracting. Maybe changing the font or placement of the text would make it more appealing and readable.
+ The black and white in this icon is so well executed that I want to lick it. Beautiful light usage and amazing contrast all around. Honestly, you are probably beginning to wonder why this comment is in the concrit section. Honestly, it is such a small nit pick. The gap between 'to' and 'live' is just very, very distracting. I can see why it has been done (to line up with 'who wants' and touch the side of 'forever', presumably), but I think it would have been beneficial to simply increase the tracking between the letters of 'to live' in order to stretch it out to the proper length. Then that little gap wouldn't be there and you still have text that lines up the way you want it to.


+++ The blending is incredibly well done.
++ The pale coloring, superb cropping and intense lighting and incredible pretty! I wish the icon was just a bit sharper, it would make it truly perfect, but it's amazing as it is.
+ The crop and blending are fabulous and I really enjoy the overall tones and colors of the icon!

+ No reason provided.

+ I love the monochromatic coloring you choose to use here. I just think the light on the right side is too overwhelming. It took me a while to notice there was another character in the picture.
+ It looks like two images were blended together and it's done well, but the crops are so close and the lighting is so overpowering. I think if the icon only had the man on the right, the icon would be stunning.
+ This is an interesting concept but I think it could be executed a little better. First of all, I think it would be better if the crop on the Stiles image showed less of his chin because the shadow at the bottom is a little awkward. Secondly, the light to the right is overwhelming and made it harder for me to tell what was going on in the icon. Additionally, some work on sharpening and contrast would help the icon look more finished.


margerydaw_s2POSITIVE VOTES
+++ Very pretty coloring and blocking!
+++ The intense coloring really stands out and looks gorgeous! I love the composition too, together with the coloring they create this fantastic psychedelic look, it's chaotic but that is clearly intentional and works, it fits the creepy image choice and the theme awesomely.
+ I love the blocking of the icon and the colouring is beautiful as well!
+ The composition the coloring the light everything is bringing the best out of each image, great icon!

+ No reason provided.
+ No reason provided.
+ No reason provided.
+ No reason provided.

+ The coloring in this icon is beyond gorgeous, the blues especially. The idea behind the composition is also very creative which is why I gave it a 'most creative' vote. However, I do think that the final execution of the blocking is messy and unfocused. None of the images (or image?) seem to catch my eye as I look at the icon, and I am generally rather confused as to what I'm looking at; though I do concede that the faintly dizzy feeling that the complex overlapping blending creates suits the theme well, I do think that choosing one of these images to emphasize as the focal point of the icon would have unified the composition. Or, perhaps, cutting out this pumpkin scarecrow figure, making it smaller, and placing it in the center of everything (as well as emphasizing its coloring and fading the coloring of the images behind just a little) might have made the subject of the icon clearer without compromising the effect of the blocking?
+ This icon is really busy and it took me awhile to figure out what I was looking at because there isn't a clear focal point. There's a lot of dead space in the middle where the images overlap that draws the eye without providing any meaning. Maybe rotating the icon 180° would make the pumpkinhead more discernible to people who are unfamiliar with the image? Even rotating it 90° counterclockwise/anticlockwise draws my eye to the lightest duplicated image (the one in the upper left corner.) Additionally, the head at the bottom looks a bit sharp while the other heads look a bit blurry.


+++ The lighting here is just brilliant!
+++ I love the crop and color (though I would have gotten rid of the bit of lighter color to the left.)
+++ The shadows and coloring are warm and complimentary; it also has a nice crop and is sharpened well!
++ The crop is gorgeous and that smoky, smoky coloring/light really suits the concept.
++ The lighting is simply fantastic and I love how the lighter part of the icon focuses on the subject's expression!
+ Fantastic use of shadows here, the lighting is dramatic yet smooth at the same time. The earthy coloring is flattering and the sharpness spot on.
+ An interesting and unique coloring choice that works very well given the theme and the subject. The lighting (as well as the intense use of shadow) is well executed too.

+ No reason provided.
+ No reason provided.



partitioningPOSITIVE VOTES
++ The crop is interesting and well done and the use of negative space is a great addition to the simplicity of the icon.


+ The crop is a great one but I find the icon flat. I am thinking a gradient layer would create some light and shadow play and give the icon some depth and make it look interesting.
+ This crop is a little awkward since it goes right through his eyes. Also, the black and white needs more brightness and contrast. It's just not there yet.
+ The crop is great and I love the use of shadows here, but the icon looks overall too dark to me, if the highlights were brighter/the contrast higher, it would make the look more eye-catching and dramatic.




+ The crop could have been a lot more interesting if is showed more of the face of the subject on the left. Also, the colouring is doing the subject on the right no favours. It looks awkward and alien-ish. I think this icon could have used some muted colouring and focus on anyone subject's face, so that there would be some visual interest.
+ I like the unusual coloring and dramatic shadows here, but I think the icon could benefit from some brighter highlights to balance the shadows, cause the overall look is quite dark.
+ The idea is great, the colorings contrast beautiful and yet not overwhelming, great icon! The only thing that I think you could try differently is the crop because her face looks cut out and kind of strange to me.
+ I'm not sure the choice to have green skin in the icon was intentional ir not, and it might be less of a problem if the color didn't bleed into the character's clothes and the background. Masking out those bits would have made the icon better.

+ I like this icon but it's a bit dark.

+++ I like that it is so clean, simple and well executed and that light is awesome!
++ The pale coloring is very beautiful and I love the highlights on their skin!
++ It's really pale but I think it works with the mood of the icon. I really like the cap choice.
++ Lovely soft coloring, and good crop!
++ The crop is very intense, a feeling amplified by the equally intense pale coloring and the choice to go for sharper edges. The tension in the scene is very well reflected in the icon's composition. All in all, well done.


+ The crop is very nice! The icon looks a tad blurry and over pixelated, however, and could maybe use more smoothing, especially on the background. The subjects are also being washed away and could use a bit of contrast to make them stand out more.

+ The light contrast and muted coloring here look absolutely stunning! I think the sharp edges of the highlights detract a bit from the overall quality, but it's still a wonderfully pretty icon to look at.

Updated Scoring Spreadsheet

-round 11, r11c10, !results

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