Round 11 - Challenge 05 - Results

Jul 25, 2013 21:00


1ST PLACE [5 points]:

john_scorpy with +8 votes.

2ND PLACE [4 points]:

applepips16 with +7 votes.

3RD PLACE [3 points]:

partitioning with +5 votes.


john_scorpy with +5 votes.

MOD'S CHOICE [1 point]:


[I love the slightly manic, poisonous glee in the character's expression here; an interesting and effective take on the theme. That and the coloring is beautiful!]

+++ = 1st Place Vote
++ = 2nd Place Vote
+ = 3rd Place Vote | Beginning of a new comment.

Note: Votes are not weighted in this round. Meaning a 1st, 2nd or 3rd vote will only give you 1 point when tallying the votes. Except in the case of a tie - then the icon with the most 1st place votes will be given first.


+++ I really love the use of color and cropping. The central crop really puts the viewer in the character's mindset.
++ Incredible lighting and coloring here! The vibrant pinks and purples look beautiful together and the contrast and sharpness are spot on. This is definitely the most eye-catching icon in the voting.
++ The vibrancy in this is very pretty and well executed, especially considering the fact that Magenta is easy to botch up when it is vibrant. The lighting is just dramatic enough for a close crop such as this one with the right amount of shadows and light and, combined with the colouring, creates a really eyecatching icon.
++ Nice use of color and light/shadows.
++ Even though I think it's a tad too pink, the lighting is fantastic.
+ The crop is nice and the coloring is bright and eye-catching. The use of lighting and shadows is also well done.
+ I like the way the soft coloring contrasts with her tough expression and I also really like the purple accent on the left!


+ The saturation is too overpowering. I think the coloring can be powerful without it almost looking like the color is bleeding. By lowering vibrance or playing with selective coloring, the maker can tone this down.


++ Great coloring, lighting, and negative space.
+ Nice use of negative space and light.
+ Great use of negative space.
+ Nice use of negative space.


+ While I definitely love the colour of the icon and the negative space, on the whole, the icon seems a little unfinished to me. I think if there were some more depth to it, so that the subject's features stood out easily, the icon would seem complete. A b&w gradient set to soflight would give the icon an extra bit of depth and maybe the use of white blobs around the subject's face would define his features.

+ I love the darkness, mutedness and subtle lighting of this icon. Wonderful use of negative space too, I really like that the crop is a bit lower than in the average negative space icon. I can't tell if this is a replaced background or not, but if it is, A+ job with the masking! The only thing I'd probably change about this icon is the cap itself - his expression looks funny or amused, which seems a bit out of place with the dark mood of the icon to me.
+ Excellent use of negative space here, but the icon is quite dark so that the subject seems almost lost in it. Accentuating the light parts in his face without losing the defined shadows is possible by using the Dodge tool set to Highlights.

margerydaw_s2POSITIVE VOTES
++ The crop is great as is the soft lila coloring that is main but does leave other colors (and many shades) is the mix!
+ I like the vibrant colours of the icon as well as the texture use.
+ The icon also has very beautiful coloring and texture use, the borders direct the viewer's focus nicely! The contrast is great, I love that the shadows aren't overly dark but that there's still just enough contrast to keep the image clear.

+ No reason provided.
+ This icon stands out from the rest cause everyone else went with a more somber mood, while this icon presents a completely different interpretation with a quite fun look and a smiling character, while still maintaining a mysterious/magical feel with the coloring and texture use.

+ The coloring is nice but the texture (?) gives it a too grainy appearance, making it appear a little LQ.
+ The colors of the icon are nice, but it feels as if they overpower the subject too much. It is hard to make out exactly what is happening in the icon; perhaps adding some more contrast and shadows would make the subject stand out more.
+ The purple tones are a little overwhelming especially on the face. Maybe some more light there would help? Also, the opaque borders are awkward and unnecessary.

+ Lovely texture use in this one, but I feel like it's just a little too overwhelming and steals attention away from the actual subject of the icon. Overall the icon also feels quite dark, because despite the textures there are no actual light parts on the subject, but I don't know if that was intended. Nevertheless, it makes the icon come across as a little flat and therefore it would benefit from a Curve layer to just make it pop a little more contrastwise.



+ The blending in this icon is very pretty, but it is hard to make out what is actually happening because it's so flooded with light. Deeper, more vivid shadows and quite possibly as less monotone colouring could help set the subject apart from the background.
+ The composition and crop makes it hard to know who/what the icon is of.
+ It looks a bit too bright, but it really isn't a bad icon!
+ The icon looks pretty but I have no idea what is going on. The subject is completely obscured which is a pity because otherwise, it seems like it would have been a nice icon.
+ It took me awhile to figure out what the subject was of the icon; the textures and lighting are too overpowering. Maybe a different texture would be a better choice and adding more contrast to the subject.
+ I like the kind of dreamy feel of this icon but the texture is overwhelming and the tones of color are so similar that I can't really make out what is happening in the image.
+ This icon has gorgeous colors and is very pretty to look at, I just wish I could make out the subjects a bit better. The caps seem a bit overwhelmed by the combination of blocking, texture use and low contrast - any of these elements would work great on their own but together they're a bit too much I think. I really like the overall idea and the pink coloring though, with minor tweaking it would be a fantastic icon!
+ I am really sorry to say this but I'm not sure what is iconed here. I see a horse, some hair and a lot of bubbles(?). I like the coloring, the accents you made but it's too unclear on my monitor. ( I guess you have the same problem as me, damn those different monitors all over the world!)


+++ Beautiful vintage coloring, and I love the choice of background.
+++ I like the way she's placed within the texture and the muted coloring is gorgeous!
+++ The composition and colouring in this is simply outstanding and gives the icon a tranquil but also quite melancholy feeling. The lighting makes her seem like a dreamlike figure, which suits the general mood of the icon very well. All in all this icon is not only technically excellent but also incredibly evocative.
+++ Absolutely gorgeous coloring and great use of texture.
+++ Amazing composition.
+++ The icon is absolutely lovely! I love the texture use, which complements the subject beautifully. Also, the muted-retro-ish colouring adds a great pop of colour. On the whole, I find that the icon looks cohesive despite the busy texture.
+++ The coloring is stunning and I really love the way the textures are incorporated around the subject!
++ The texture work is great and fits the theme really well.

+ No reason provided.
+ No reason provided.
+ No reason provided.
+ The flower motive around Sansa and the way the light and shadows bleed into each other conveys the poisonous flower theme incredibly well.
+ I like the composition of this icon a lot, it almost seems as if the character is emerging from a flower garden of sorts. And it manages to be grungy without losing out on quality.



partitioningPOSITIVE VOTES
+++ The crop is superb and I really love the use of flower stock in this icon. The coloring is absolutely flawless, I love the combination of muted pinks and dark red/brown here, it looks very flattering and has a great vintage edge too. Very beautiful and balanced overall look with even a bit of a poetic/romantic vibe to it, which is very cool and original.
++ The crop on the icon is fantastic and I like the texture use.
++ The coloring and contrast is very well done and the chosen texture is perfect for the challenge.
+ The close crop in this is lovely and the soft dreamy colouring goes very well with it. The flower texture adds a nice touch.
+ Beautiful crop and color.

+ No reason provided.
+ The coloring and the inclusion of the flower texture make it really fit for me.

+ I like the main color scheme here but the icon seems to be a bit overblurred and too flat on her face, a bit too contrasted next to the rest of the icon. While I guess this was your idea it loks strange next to the shadows/contrast in her hair.




+ The crop in this is lovely, but on my screen the icon is just a tad blurry, which can easily be fixed with a Sharpen filter of your choice on a stamped layer. I also feel like it's a little flat and would benefit of a few Gradient and Curve layers.
+ The cropping seems kind of forced. I'm not sure where I'm supposed to look, where the focus in the icon is. I think a crop closer to the left, showing more of his hand and face would work better.
+ I really like the crop, image choice and cool color scheme here. There's nothing really wrong with the icon either, it just seems a bit flat to me, like it's missing something that would make it stand out; for example, more dramatic lighting would heighten the mood of the image, I'd recommend gradients or light textures for that. Still, it's a very nice icon as it is!
+ The coloring here is really pretty, but I think the crop is a bit awkward - the way his head and hand are cut off. Perhaps if you widened the crop, or even went in closer to focus more on his face.

+ While I do like the colors the clear lines etc. what I have some problem with is the crop; it just looks strange to me. Maybe you could try a different one?
+ I like the colors in the background but I think the skin tone would be better with less color, especially on the face.

Updated Scoring Spreadsheet

r11c05, -round 11, !results

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