1ST PLACE [5 points]:
neversleeps with +4 votes (and more first place votes).
2ND PLACE [4 points]:
burntheflaws with +4 votes.
3RD PLACE [3 points]:
val_valerie with +3 votes.
MOST CREATIVE [2 points]:
schryosel, and
nottiem with +2 votes.
MODS CHOICE [1 point]:
absolutelybatty waaywardson [The blocking in this icon is really trippy; I love it!]
tinebrella shinylunarsea [Love the vibrant coloring and the use of light, this is icon is very bright and shiny!]
+++ = 1st Place Vote
++ = 2nd Place Vote
+ = 3rd Place Vote | Beginning of a new comment.
Note: Votes are not weighted in this round. Meaning a 1st, 2nd or 3rd vote will only give you 1 point when tallying the votes. Except in the case of a tie - then the icon with the most 1st place votes will be given first.
+ This is a great blend and I really love the coloring and contrast in the bottom screencap. It's so stark and Sawyer and Jack pop out because of the dark shadows against that bright light. I like the coloring on the left side of the Juliet cap, but I think the right side might be a little too bright. Something about the coloring also makes that cap of her look a little LQ, so I would have pumped more colors and evened out the lighting more to tone that cap down.
+ I think the composition of this icon is amazing. The contrast between the crops is wonderful, and the crops themselves lend themselves fantastically to the composition. I think the way the texture helps to cut the top image from the bottom adds a lovely soft element to the icon overall, and the colours are lovely and rich without being overpowering.
+ No reason provided.
+ No reason provided.
+ I find the composition very nice but for my part there are a few problems with the colouring and contrast. There is too much white going on in this icon, to the point that it looks a little overwhelming - I'd suggest boosting up the existing colours or adding some variety through textures. The bottom part of the icon looks also a little oversharpened and the contrast is a little too harsh; maybe blurring and lightening things a little, particularly where Sawyer's placed, would work better.
+ Interesting composition and the two parts of the icon blend well together, however the lower part appears very dark on my screen and it gets quite hard to see who the characters are, especially the one on the left. Maybe less contrast and more playing with levels could help.
shinylunarseaPOSITIVE VOTES
+ No reason provided.
+ I really like the use of text and texture in this icon, also the colouring is quite nice. However, I'm not sure the bright blob at the top right of the icon is necessary as it distracts us from the subject, also the bottom subject seems to have been cut off from his original background and the edges of his head are quite sharp, I'd try to smoothen them a bit or blend them more with this background.
+ The whites in this icon are too overpowering and takes away from the nice coloring. The face on the bottom is also a bit too saturated and yellow.
+ I think the lighting and texture work in this icon is wonderful, however the lower image appears to be a little over-saturated, causing some slight pixelation on his face and lowering the quality of the icon. Perhaps lowering the saturation of the colouring layers slightly, or masking away areas from his face would help to rectify this.
daleksaresexyPOSITIVE VOTES
+++ I love the colour and how it all comes together.
+ I really like the combination of poster style and image duplication here. While I think the text could use a little more work to make it more visible I think on the overall this is a bold and interesting icon.
+ I think the colouring and composition of this image is wonderful, and the mixture of colour tones are magnificent, however the text is slightly unreadable which means it doesn’t make an impact. Perhaps a bolder font may have helped the letters to stand out a little more, resulting in the font working with the icon rather than detracting from it.
+++ I really love the coloring and composition here. It's so muted and vintage and I really like how it looks like an old photograph. I do, however, wish that the background were one solid color or more of a set pattern because the random blocks are distracting when the right side has so many sections and the left side is brighter and has less sections.
++ I love how soft this icon is, very nice to look at.
++ I really like the vintage touch you added to your icons with the monochrome colouring and the texture use!
+ I like the concept and the use of sepia but the colouring of the subject (particularly the face) doesn't work very well for my part. Her face looks a little odd desaturated; I'd suggest giving it a similar sepia hue as the rest of the icon. The borders are creative and add a nice touch but I think there's a little too much going on in the outermost border which distracts a little from the main subject.
+ I really, really love the composition of this icon. I think the natural palette you’ve used has been carried through beautifully, and the cropping of the image, with the negative space is beautiful. I think perhaps it could have used a touch more contrast, however overall it is lovely.
+++ everything here is perfection, the colour, the composition (so simple but very effective and so pretty) and the textures, even the writing there on the left. LOVING IT.
+++ I absolutely lovethe composition you used! Very good execution of levels! And I also think that the grunge texture(s) really added a very fitting raw feeling to it! The lightning is awesome too!
+++ I adore the high contrast between subject and background and how effective the lightning is in this icon. The subtle grunge and texture use also looks nice and helps to draw everything together and I think the composition made through sequence is quite interesting as well.
++ Lovely colouring and perfect image choices.
+ Gorgeous composition here, and amazing colouring. I think the sharpening is spot on as well, and the texture use is great. Perhaps the shadows could have used a little more contrast, but overall a brilliant icon.
+ Nice blocking and use of purple, unfortunately the subject appears a bit too dark here in my opinion, playing with levels might help you with that.
+ I like the soft, dusty colors and texture use. The purple tones are also lovely! However, I think it would have worked better if Spike's face were a little brighter. Right now the icon seems a little too dark overall.
++ I really love the composition of this icon. I think everything is beautifully balanced, between the cropping and placement of the three images along with the background and the way you’ve utilised blocking here. There’s that beautiful contrast between geometric shapes that works so well, and the dark, vintage colouring is perfect.
++ I really like the use of circles as levels instead of the usual rectangles/squares.
+ Nice composition.
+ I really like the composition with the circles. It's a very creative way to spice up the icon even while you maintain the natural colors of the cap. If I were just to nitpick about one thing it'd be that the edges of the circles show a little too much and it ends up looking a little messy as a result. Perhaps making the backgrounds of those circles different colors would have worked better.
++ The bold red blocks and B&W ones work really well in establishing contrast and having them side by side really brings the whole icon together. I do wish there were a little more going on the icon to make it fit the complex category more though.
+ wow, the colours are so bright and powerful, the icon is amazing!
+ No reason provided.
+ The blocking in this icon has been executed wonderfully, and the contrast between the red and the black and white is amazing, as well as the contrast itself in the cap. The only thing to note is that where the red has been cut off on the lower image is slightly distracting, and I think perhaps it may have been more effective to let the red meet the edge of the icon, but aside from that it’s brilliant.
+ Great vibrant colouring and perfect text.
+ This one looks very bright & blurry on my monitor though I like the text & colors. Maybe make the icon darker in value or add sharpen layer on the subject's face.
+ I enjoy the coloring in this icon. The colors are very vibrant without making Lydia look too bright. However, I think there may have been too many textures added to the icon and it makes the background look a little scattered and disorganized. Perhaps adding less, or simpler, textures would have benefited the crop more. As a suggestion, framed textures work really well at drawing focus into the middle of the icon when you have a center crop. The top and bottom borders do add that element of closing the piece in, but I think the text obstructs that a little bit because it seems a little hastily added on. Raising the text higher and using just one font or adding another, darker text layer below it would have helped it be more legible and bring more unity to the icon.
nocturnellesPOSITIVE VOTES
+ The black & white combined with the color half looks interestig & I like the use of text.
+ The cropping in this icon is lovely, and the contrast between black and white and colour works really well here. I think perhaps the text itself doesn’t have enough contrast to stand out from the background, mainly because the background isn’t too contrasted either. Perhaps a darker colour for the font would have helped it stand out more.
+ Nice text use and composition, but I think it would have worked even better within that gray stripe in the middle. If one image blends too much into the other after that and you want to keep them separate, you could use a Gradient Map for one of the images and make the background a different color (like, for example, using a red-black or light blue-navy blue gradient on that closeup image to match the colors on the left side, but still having that add some contrast).
burntheflawsPOSITIVE VOTES
+++ What strikes me most about this icon is that everything fits beautifully together. The colour palette is stunning, the blending of images and textures works beautifully, and the blocking at the top of the icon allows the complex focus to be continued, creating a truly cohesive icon. Visually, everything works wonderfully together.
+++ I like how although this icon looks complex, the complexity does not overwhelm the subject of the icon. The blending looks very effortless and well done. I also like how the subject's natural coloring stands out against the green of the rest of the icon.
++ The blending between the two main subjects is very nicely done here as is the lightning. While I'm not entirely sure about the edges of the icon (the combination of circular and linear borders looks a little cluttered) I still think this icon works quite well because of the soft focus effectively drawn towards the centre of the icon.
+ The blending is really nicely done and I love the lightning! The slightly blocked background is wonderful too!
+ No reason provided.
+ No reason provided.
shuijinglingPOSITIVE VOTES
+ Lovely icon! I just think it needs a touch more contrast/brightness, it just looks a little faded on my monitor.
+ I really love the natural, vintage colouring of this icon, however there is a slight lack of contrast, resulting in the multiple images becoming a little lost with each other. I think a soft light layer or perhaps a curves layer to add the contrast to the image, the multiple layers would have been more distinguishable.
+ I like the colours in this icon, however even when you know where the caps are from it's quite hard to see what is going on, there's a bit too much. I think that the problem is that the two blended caps are "at the same level", meaning that you don't know where to look at first. Maybe changing the colouring of one of them (desaturating it a bit more for instance) would help, as the eye would be able to focus on the other one first.
+ The whole icons seems to be a bit flat. Try adding more more contrast to it! Then you should try to make the two images you used stand apart from each other more. For this you could make one brighter than the other or adding different colourings to each of them.
+ Apart from the wolf, it is very hard to know what the subject of this icon is. This icon would benefit from more contrast to darken the darks and lighten the lights. It would also help if the icon had a plainer background, since the lines now also make it hard to focus on what is going on.
vampire_sessahPOSITIVE VOTES
+++ The composition & coloring make this one stand out & I really like the use of color blocks.
++ i like the colours and the composition here, so dynamic and pretty.
+ The composition of this icon is wonderful, I think the blocking has been done in a fantastic way, the edges in particular are so creative. I do think there’s perhaps slightly too much contrast between the muted, dark tones of the green image and the heavily saturated orange tones in the orange image - and perhaps the saturation could have been drawn back a notch so that image doesn’t take the focus away completely from the other image, however overall it is a very creative icon.
+ I really like this icon, the blocking and use of colour are absolutely brilliant, the only thing that kept me from putting it in my top 3 is how dark Sam's face appears on my screen, I think you could make him a little bit more bright so that it doesn't look like he has a shadow eating half his face off. But other than that, well done !!
+ Very nice use of blocking and colour !
+ I think the composition and monochromatic colours here are wonderful in this icon. The edges are perhaps a touch sharp, but that is a minor nit-pick for an otherwise fantastic icon.
++ The maker did a very good job playing with composition in this icon. The mix of large and small elements make this icon interesting to look at. I also like how the coloring was left fairly simple so that the icon does not look too busy.
+ The blocking of this icon really appeals to me. I think the doubled sliver on the left side is incredibly effective, just the way in which there is a smaller piece against the larger one. I think the variety of images have been combined beautifully here.
+ i think there is a loooot of white space and this makes the icon a little bit washed out and this is so bad for a good idea like in this icon
+ I really like the slicing in this icon! It's wonderfully done! The middle section though is now too bright and looks low-quality. Try adding a bit of contrast and darkness to it by using a black brush on a layer set on soft light.
+ The way the left side's white border cuts into the very center subject's head & face is not flattering it makes her look squished maybe including a bit more of her face would improve this icon.
+++ Very interesting composition and use of colour.
+ This icon has really good blocking. I like how the blocks and the top and bottom are facing different directions, it makes the icon very balanced.
+ I really like the composition the text just seems a little off to me, maybe a different font or slightly bigger text.
+ This icon has beautiful colours within it, I love the vibrancy and the contrast between light and shadow. The blocking is spectacular, and I think the texture just adds a beautiful element that lifts the icon completely. Great job.
+ the icon is pretty but i think it needs a lot of contrast to make it even greater.
+ I think the cropping of this icon is fantastic, and the fill layer block to the left side works well to combine the colours within the icon. The only thing that doesn’t seem to fit is the texture, which detracts from the icon rather than adds to it. I think I understand the reasoning behind it, however perhaps a crop that blocked off the eyes, or using a solid block similar to the one already within the image, the icon overall would have been more cohesive.
+ I know enough about TWD to understand and like the idea behind this icon. However, when adding more than one cap to an icon it's importantly to add some contrast between the two, either through different coloring, contrast in lighting, texture work, or something to just separate them. Right now both images are colored and lit similarly, so the icon seems a little bit flat as a result. I'm not sure if the scribble is really adds anything important to the composition. It draws attention, but perhaps adding text over his eyes to "explain" the icon's story would have worked more. I also may have added a compositional texture that splits up the middle in a different way, like diagonally cut or blended with a stock-like image from the show. Using further blocking on the icon may also have worked for it if there was more lighting to add contrast between each area.
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