(no subject)

Jan 18, 2005 04:40

And so this weekend has totally rocked. Spent the entire weekeend with my baby girl...I think this has been one of the best weekends I have had in a million baziliion years (apparently meaning around 2 years, since its been a million bazillion years since Staind has come out with a new album...)

I was Ethan Frome in some sort of asian porn film (rub that lotion on that basket!)

Squanky has really comfy stairs..

Ashley and Kimsa dance in the most funny/adorable ways..

3 asian girls, 1 dirty mexican girl (Dynamite Bill rocks my socks!), and 1 tired/strange boy cannot finish 3 dozen breadsticks....

Some guy got really friendly with his penis in the car next to ours....

Playing tag in the cold while consuming 1/3 of the worlds supply of sugar..

Talking about nothing and everything...

Dancing to the Hokey Pokey and "The green grass grows all around" with ashie and my mommy slapping her knee like we were at some strange squaredancing thingy is one of those memories that will stick in my mind till the day that i die....

Laying on the floor listening to Pink Floyd with my darling....

And tomorrow I am supposed to meet with a drummer that answered our ad in the paper (Burger King hats!!!!!!!!) so that should be fun, gonna rock and roooooll.... Gonna write a new song I am feeling, so that should end up to be pretty interesting...

I hope you all are having a wonderful 2005!!!!!!!!

Peace and Love,

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