An open letter to Nintendo

Jun 23, 2008 17:53

Dear Nintendo marketing department,

I appreciate that the success of the Wii may well have come as a surprise to you, leading to many issues where demand outstripped supply and long waiting lists on pre-order for people willing to wait. This, in turn, lead to some profiteering by people who were able to get hold of Wiis through various means (including the gray import market) and selling them on using sites like e-bay.

So, taking in to account the lessons of that launch, why in the name off all is sane is it that you continue to market Wii Fit with roadshows in shopping centres like Tiffany used to do in the 80s (remember the 80s? remember Tiffany?) when their availability is still limited due to the same issues that arose at the launch of the Wii?

I mean come on, how hard can it be to plan production based on the number of units that you have sold in the UK?


wii fit nintendo

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