Three Stooges

Dec 27, 2008 01:23

I'm really bad at writing journals. Worse than I used to be, at least.

For one reason or the other, over the years, I've developed mellow, laugh-it-off exterior. I guess its a way to mask the fact that I can't seem to define my innards...or maybe it's because I want to grow up to entertain others. Unfortunately, this method has turned cyclical.

My inner monologue has adopted my outer monologue, and developed a conscience of its own. My brain doesn't even know who's in charge anymore. I used to derive my logic, my morals, my passion from a single voice inside me. Now my voice has a voice and 90% of the time, the three of us don't agree. Despite what it may seem on the outside, this gets me nowhere.

I'm having trouble writing this right now because I can't decide if I should write something sincere or make a joke out of it.


You can decide who won that battle.

Quote(s) of the Entry:
"Grapes make me...want to vomit."
- 50% Kyle, 50% Blake
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