Culture/Media Influence

Nov 04, 2007 17:13

For Halloween, meret linked to a movie online that scared her silly as a kid - "Don't Be Afraid of the Dark". It's a made for tv movie from the '80's. You can watch it for free here. LINK

I love scary movies and bad scary movies most of all. So I clicked. And it was exactly as advertised. And my first thought - the lead actress is fat. Brain, wtf are you thinking?

I *know* that she isn't fat, but I still *feel* that's she's overweight. No wonder Hollywood doesn't take our protests seriously. I may be saying 'show me real women', but my gut reaction is that real women are fat. Of course, I blame them for training me this way, but some of the culpability rests with me. And I'm trying, but I'm further beyond than I thought.

Your depressing social conscious awareness raising thought for today.
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