Writer's Block: Taking It Personally

Feb 26, 2009 23:17

I've taken the Myers-Briggs test and scored INTP with absolutely no ambiguity. It's a good thing, as INTP's are often referred to as Architects, and within the software world that has often been my title and has always been what I do. I love to design structures, assemble components in interesting way, and create something new out of (virtual) materials. My N/P are definitely stronger than my I/T but none of them are borderline or even weak, so to be most precise I would refer to myself as an IN*TP* with the stars indicating stronger than normal emphasis.
According to the Keirsey temperament sorter, I am definitely a rational but I am not immune to the pull of the "F" and can sometime be a bit of an idealist. At no time do I ever have the slightest bit in common with any "S" or "J" types, therefore artisans and particularly guardians will forever be a mystery to me. I am inherently a big-picture thinker. If I am not given enough information and instead am only able to see small fragments I am chronically frustrated. But if you give me a set of high level goals and a set of constraints to work within, I can pretty much always come up with a solution to the problem at hand.

I've found the Enneagram approach to be somewhat less useful for self-analysis and for the analysis of others, but I am definitely a "5" which is the investigator or thinker, and is closely aligned with the Myers-Briggs Thinking and Introverted types. I also have a leaning towards a 4 wing instead of a 6, which is the more artistic and emotional side as opposed to scientific and detailed approach. I believe the 6 wing would correlate with both S and T and 4 correlates with N and F, and since I am more N than I am T, and don't have an ounce of S, I have a 4 wing that is slightly at odds with my external persona.


myers-briggs, writer's block, enneagram, personality tests

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