I'm late! I'm late!

Nov 27, 2012 09:42

Gosh I haven't posted on here in a longer time than I thought. But time just seems to be escaping me lately; it's completely frustrating to plan things for Thursday and find yourself already at Saturday. I feel like the rabbit in Alice in Wonderland "I'm late! I'm late! For a very important date!". 

I suspect the reason is that it is coming so close to Christmas. The moment the calendar is reduced to a single page the days seem to fly by. The shopping season is making the train absolutely insane though. Singing, work, rehearsals, the rink and home are all getting to be very troublesome destinations. Trains are constantly delayed severely, or in some cases cancelled, and then when one does eventually turn up it's completely packed and looks like the passengers are partaking in a rather large scale game of Sardines. The thing is, people can stand in the corridor between seats; it's not that drastic a thing to do. And you can get back to the door to get off at your stop. But people just seem to be terrified to do this and outright refuse when you ask them to move down. Which means you have about fifteen people gathered in one door way which means people waiting on the platform can't get on a train that clearly still has room for them. I had to use my skate bag to viciously shove myself onto a space on the carriage. The people didn't look very happy, but I couldn't care less; I did ask them to move up. So it's their own damn fault if they ended up squashed against a window. 
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