I'm up way too early in the morning given that I don't have to work today (due to my hideous leg wound). I would go in to work, but it hurts...not much, way more than it did when it happened, when I got the stitches, and all last night, but it hurts, and I think carrying heavy shit around all day and driving would aggravate it. It's still oozing all kinds of nastiness, so I'm just going to be a wuss and take the day off...because I can. If I *had* to go in, I could. If it *mattered* if I went in, I would. Luckily, since we just hired Mr.
rubberninja, there are 3 drivers instead of just two. He still doesn't know where lots of stuff is, but he knows the basic 10 or 20 places we generally go fifty times a day. I don't even know where everything is! (especially since we just bought out Kirkland Auto Parts and we have to deliver to all their customers now too).
I had the craziest dreams last night. They weren't bad dreams, just bizarre, and I can remember them. I'm going to post them to my dream journal (which can be found in my userinfo if you care to read). I haven't updated it in forever because I haven't been able to coherently remember any of my dreams.
Seriously though, they involve PETA, sea gulls, Iraq, Woodinville, death trains, and ski lifts!
Ugh, my dad is going to be pissed I'm missing work today, despite the hole in my leg. At least I get to watch The Mariners play this afternoon, which I would have otherwise missed! It's all sunny and great out, and I totally want to do ALL THESE THINGS that involve using my damn legs way too much (taking Chili for a bike ride, taking the other dogs to the park, mowing the lawn and weedwhacking). So it goes.
In other news, someone named Mo Sno is the only decent friend someone named Randee seems to have. Randee can go to hell, but Mo Sno deserves credit for being decent and caring about her friend...
Damn, I'm just rambling now. I need more "sick days" where I get to stay home when I'm not really sick. I missed half of Jr High and High School just hanging out at my house. I performed much better when I didn't have to actually sit through all that shit (graduated with a 4.0 from Jr high, and a 3.858 from high school...I actually got a B in guitar!! Ha ha ha)
Hmm, there will probably be a lot of lame posts out of me today...