do you see the beautiful lady i've captured here? she is thinking on moving back to california! tell
her no!
more from this set on and
a faithful (most of the time) livejournal user i've always been drawn to more lifestyle/photography blogs but have recently spent some time poking around the world of fashion blogs after finding my own blog lumped into that category thanks to the quiksilver event. what i've found has been both pleasant and startling. what i saw was plenty of wee waif-like creatures being praised for their wee waifiness (their wee waifiness is no concern of mine i do not wish to "body snark" and i have no eye keen enough to distinguish the natural from the, err, induced) my concern is, as it has been for many eyes before mine, all the young (and older) ladies looking at these girls, these girls who are supposed to be our regular joe representatives of fashion (not paid models) and feeling inadequate. it's funny that even when given the chance to pick our own fashion icons we tend to migrate towards the safest and most traditional looking fashion people (thin, caucasian, blonde). of course there are plenty of lovely ladies (and gentlemen) that don't fall into that slim category but they, curiously, do not have the same devoted following. the other surprise (which really ought not to have been any surprise at all as this is the internet after all) was reading the comments which sometimes went the ways of "you're too fat to wear that" which totally blew my mind because BECAUSE THEY ARE SO OBVIOUSLY NOT! i dunno, it just made me sad. i really should know better to stick to internet safe zones like you dear friendslist and flickr and facebook anything beyond is just disturbing. yesterday i was
reading about an incident where a woman was arrested for having her sick pug out of it's carrier on the L-train (it puked! how cute and sad!). the story was a little disturbing but not so disturbing as the comments. the wild part about this was it was not on youtube, these are not creepy children that are flexing their naughty word muscles, these are (i think?) grown, news reading, maybe functioning adults.
as for my last
real entry i am trucking away but sadly with not much to show of it. though my hunt for inspiration (again, thank you for your advice) has proven rather fruitful and my flickr favourites/weheartit/blog is filling up with pictures and paintings for eye feasting. it will come back, i will be just like ethan hawke in great expectations, right!
i recently discovered "google reader" (age is slowing down my internet trend awareness) and have been frantically trying to add blogs to read in attempt to emulate my ever vanishing friendpage so here is where you (once again) share with me your new blogs (and perhaps your favourite reads).
last night the building across the street from me was on fire! it was pretty epic watching fireworks and fire simultaneously! ok, that's all! nigh-night!
ps. i still am without any feline companions (except oreo who lives in a bodega and visits with me on beer and icecream quests). it saddens me greatly.
**edited to add**
make no mistake i love my ladies in all their beauteous shapes, shades and ages i just mean to say that it is curious that given the opportunity (no producers/editors involved) to pick our own fashion icons we have not gone with a more diverse collection. no matter what the beauty ideal is be it athletic, curvaceous or thin there will always be more people excluded than included. i wonder then why we have not taken this opportunity to expand our definition of "ideal beauty" to include more than one type?