one hell of a week

Nov 28, 2008 22:46

Some of you may have heard about the fire on Prince street Monday night/early Tuesday morning.  That was right next to our house, and our house then also caught fire, so we've got a ton of smoke and water damage and we're kind of unable to live in our house for about a month, probably.  Yeah....we're not as bad off as our neighbors, though, thank God.
So that's been my Thanksgiving.  And it's confusing me, because now I don't know where home is.  It's definitely not our neighbor's house, where they've graciously allowed us to crash until they come back from their Thanksgiving holidays, and I don't think it's our burnt and gutted house right now, either.  Right now all of my personal belongings consist of a pair of contacts, my glasses, two sweaters, some socks, a pair of sweatpants, and my coat.  And my cellphone.  It kind of makes me want to contact the UNHCR. 
The worst part is not being able to believe that it actually happened.  When I was a little girl I was horribly afraid of fire - probably still am.  But I was the one who woke up, got my parents up, and called 911 without panicking.  It felt like my brain shut off...oh well.  We're all safe, which is what matters.
Listening to: Darling Please Come In by the Math and Physics Club
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