I... I just got back- my dad took me on a last minute business trip back to Seychelles for some stupid... fishing- mongering. Thing. Don't ask me I didn't even pay attention, it was mostly just a chance to meet up with all of my friends back there and getting out of the major slump I've been in. So many people have left... and so many new people that I haven't even met yet...
And not to mention all of that but...
W-What's happened to Al? Does anyone know? Dewi... Kim- whoever else, I want to go looking for him and I will on my own but...
I'd rather not just go out on my bike and search through all of Liberty city.
A-Also... anyone... Who I made plans with to hand out- I'm... really sorry for just leaving. I... hope you can forgive me.
(ooc: Out of hiatus? It would seem so. I might still be slow on the posting and all, but our dear America-mun would simply not have anymore of me being out of the loop. So new people~ I'm very glad to meet you and hit me up for a thread sometime~
Dewi. Get off you butt and take me on a date already. )