Dec 30, 2004 11:52
Whoa... Ok.. yesterday was really crazy... so i guess you might wanna know about it. Well, first my aunt and i went to starbucksto go see outi...YAY!!!! Omg.. I never wanted to leave. Outi is seriously my older other half. We seriously go together like 2 peas in a pod. We were kind of angry that my aunt decided to stay at starbucks, We just wanted It to be us...Cuz we have LOTS of things to talk about ;-D lol. When ever I'm around outi, i get this sence of calm... and this warm feeling...She is such an awesome person... AND SO DAMN PRETTY TO!!! I wouldnt mind having her as my mom... lol. She doesnt have any kids so im sitting here like... I'LL GET THE ADOPTION PAPERS NOW!!! i wouldnt give her ANY problems... I swear. lol... But out of no where my aunt wanted to leave.. on the quick fast b.c. SHE wanted to go to the gym. She can go any other time... And i never get to see outi cuz were on 2 opposite sides of the country. Ugh.. What ever, But me and Outi exchanged numbers and stuff so that we can call eachother. I miss her already. I love my outi :-(
Anyways... Then i met up with Jacqui and KC and we chylled for the whole day... lol they were espcially chyllen cuz they were drinken Bacardi and Skyy all day. lol... We went to a couple of stores and then got what we wanted and then just left and walked around Mill Valley for the rest of the day. You woulda thought that i lost some poundages by the time that we were done cuz we walked for miles and miles yesterday... But i gained half a pound... FUCK! lol. Anyways...Then Later on that night jacquis Boyfriend took me, jacqui, and kara out to dinner. Damn, at dinner... when kara came... She seriously got wasted for the rest of the night... Damn those alcohols that look like water that you could just store in water bottles and walk around with. I wish that every alcohol had a distinct color so that they couldnt do stuff like that. Kara was quite embarassing. At points i jsut wanted to hit her or cry or something becasue she reminded me so much of my mom... Like it was back in the day again when i had to tkae care of her and pick her up off the ground and dust her off. It really upset me :-\
But anyways... then we just chylled in Down Town Mill Valley in the pouring freezing wind and rain storm... For 2 hours!!! omg... I wanted to kill who ever told their parents to pick us up at 9. lol oh yea.. KARA! lol... But when i got home... i was soo Happy! I got into my DRY WARM P.J.'S!!! Yea go me.. and it was crazy cuz the storm had gotten worse when i came home becasue we are on the top of a mountain so the wind was WAAAAAYY worse...damn gotta go...ttys..
Bye <3Ashley<3