Jun 19, 2007 23:18
So, I figured it's time for another one of my riveting journal posts that everyone has been anxiously waiting for. Things are good. I'm leaving for Chile in 10 days. Summer Session 1 is FINALLY over. Me and beth are amazing. There is little to no drama bothering me right now. My teeth are all fixed (cross my fingers). I am 21. I've had a great birthday and plenty of fun after-parties. I've gotten to see many of my good old friends from home. I'm now one year away from graduating and leaving this school. Life is pretty good.
Okay, so I have to bitch about some things though. Summer I has sucked balls. I took History of the Caribbean and Reading in Secondary Schools. The education class was online and relatively easy, yet simply frustrating because the teacher had no freaking clue about how to run an online class, yet somehow he's been teaching them for years. The history class was pretty interesting. Just very rushed. And the final didn't go to amazing, I think. I hopefully have made an A in the edn course and if I'm really lucky a B in the history class. Good news is that is my last 300 lvl history. Just one more 400 level and I'm done with that major. I'm just so glad its over because I have been absolutely stressed over them for the past 4 weeks.
Next on the agenda, the age old problem of money. I am so broke. My insurance ran out as I got my last filling done. So I had to pay as much for that one, as I had for 4 when insurance was still taking most of the hits. So I have no idea how I'm going to afford getting to Easter Island while I'm in Chile.
That brings me to my next thought, Chile. I am more excited than I have been in a long while, yet I'm also extremly terrified over the whole thing. First, I'll be taking 2 upper lvl spanish courses while I'm down there. I really can't take anymore hits to my GPA. Next, I'm going to be living with a foreign family that probably speaks no English whatsoever. Although, I really dont' want them to speak English that way I can learn as much Spanish as possible. Another problem, I suck at spanish, I'm going down there, and going to be able to say nothing but, 'No hablo espanol,' and 'no se'. I can already feel that its going to be an extremly frustrating situation. Dont' get my wrong, I am so happy i get to go down there, and I know I'm extremly lucky to be able to go, but it won't stop my anxiety.
Since I won't make a post for a while, I'll go ahead and shoot out my schedule for next fall. American National Government, PED 101, Intro to Human Geography, Intro to Literature, Theology and the Rise of Modern Science, and Teaching Social Studies (9-12). Not to terrible. Four 100 lvls, and 2 400 lvls. 18 hours in total. I'll have to be going to a school at least 2 hours a week, teaching/observing. Fun stuff. Plus, I'll have 3 jobs trying to pay off Chile and future expenses. Dont' quite know how I'm going to survive socially next semester, but I'll find a way, I always do.
In closing, I just want to wish everyone a very happy rest of the summer. I hate that I have to leave for 5 weeks, mainly because this is really my last summer before 'life' starts. Sort of a scary feeling. Yet also a very exciting one. Enjoy yourselves, and behave. Oh, and I'll be keeping an email list together in Chile and occasionally sending emails back home to anyone that wants an update while I'm down there. So if you want to get them, just comment with your email address and I'll add you on.
Now, if I can just get over this damn cold/sinus shit, I'll be good.
Hasta luego.