Hey guys! What's crack-a-lackin'? Look at this picture...
Cute huh? lol.... anywho... let's think... what's new in the world of Jamie... I dunno.
I got busted smoking... lol
my friends dad thinks that we are lesbians together... lol
i have a crush on the infamous jeremy's best friend... lol
i am in a 9th grade math class, and i sit next to somone i HATE... lol
every thing ends in ...lol i s'pose im not that serious... lol
i cant update my journal at home because mommy blocked it, bc she read me talking shit about her... hahah
the ...hahah i had to use... we needed a change.
what do you call a slutty alaskan? --- a frostitute ... or an eski-ho.. [tnx jorge]
lol... wasnt that funny?
one time.. when i was REALLY little... i was at a concert, with my mom... [oldies... I <33 oldies] anywho... and i was standing up, just minding my own business, singing along.. etc... and this creepy old guy just came up to me and picked me up, and started dancing with me... [mind you, im like 4] so i started bawling my eyes out... i screamed bloody murder. lol... funny eh?
ahh well, i guess i shall go... ttyl. Love ya lotz!! *-*Jamie*-*
a LETTER would be nice... ahem...
I am flattered that Jesse can't stop crying. Tx for the great eulogy Georgie. And MELISSA!! I am ashamed of you!! Getting laid after my funeral!! with who...? my dad? lol ew.