Summertime, ah yes thy sweet fruits of boredom.
I managed to run into at least 15 teachers out of school, including but not limited to the male population of the math department, the english department, and the GBMS ESE department. oh joy.
I sit typing this with George Clinton watching me, thanks to my brother who kind of permanently loaned me a sweet poster of George with lightning bolts shooting out of his pupils. Yep, Dr. Funkenstein himself.
I transferred into SGA for next year and am somewhat scared/excited about the experience. Not the actual SGA part like duties and such (psh), but I do suppose it's going to be the surpreme ideal of Me being the only person present in that class with male reproductive organs. Thats right, its going to be somewhere in the general ballpark of 20 ladies and a singular male: myself. The trepidation comes not from anxiety around the other gender, after all i am indeed a zydeco playboy, nor getting killed, nor getting makeup put on me, or anyother such typical female to male torture, but in fact, setting a good male standard, which is quite a lost cause considering the high standard of male suck set forth in the GBHS establisment.
I adore I really do. If given the entire day and the only thing i could do was watch videos on the site, I would most likely be quite content. From things like Denny Blaze, to atrocious covers of the Final Countdown, and great concert footage. I honestly wonder what could possess a person to post some of these bizarre items, if their line of judgment is really that skew from humor to awfulness.
This is quite cheeky yet great I'm beginning to complete despise iTunes.. it's not particularly user friendly nor does it offer any great technological serivce. Everytime i put the blasted thing on shuffle, it pretty much plays the same songs over and over, I don't have 5,000 songs to listen to Run like an Antelope 4x in a row. (no matter how good of an antelope it is). Also, it can't simply delete files quickly or efficiently.
One of my goals in the free time I had since I didn't need to take my exams was to beat Super Mario World for SNES using an emulator called Zsnes. I managed to get very far and on friday managed to get all the way to bowser. At this point, I was tired and simply saved my game and walked away. I fired up the game to find my save gone. I'm frustrated that I just spent 10 hours playing a game for it to just vanish. I'm lame, I know.
I enjoyed the Shining a good bit. It was the first viewing of the film for me, and I was surprised at the quality. I typically don't enjoy Stephen King stuff, but the plot was pretty intriguing. I also thought Kubrick's camerawork and overall directing were brilliant. I had already seen Dr. Strangelove (alright) and 2001: A Space odyssey (really pretentious and boring)
The Da Vinci Code was lackluster. I enjoyed Tom Hanks for the pure Tom Hanks cheese but besides that it wasnt very interesting. Mind you though, that I'd already read the book. The book and the movie are very much the same and so twists and turns weren't very new. But if you're too lazy to read the book, I'd give it a chance.