I feel like I'm going to do this often, posting about songs. As my computer permits, of course.
nontimebotree recommended this band to me, and I quickly fell in love. Not unusual, as I tend to die over pretty much everything.
Hurt is harder rock. This song, "Wars", is pretty typical these days, lyrics-wise. It's about war (duh, right?). We've all seen these songs popping up more and more, but this one is definitely something. If you can make it past the bleak lyrics (and come on, who doesn't want a good depressing song to brood over every now and again?), just keep your ear on the music itself.
I don't know much about music, I just know what I like. And these guitars are sweet. Not to mention the beautiful arrangement during the chorus.
And did I mention his voice is raspy and gravelly and makes me pretty much swoon? I think some of us know how I feel about raspy voices.