this is my last night at home. i have seen a couple of people and hng around. The one thing that i really wanted/needed to do while home didn't get finshed (i was supposed to apply to a summer camp job,but filled my HD so thoroughly that I kernel panicked and can't open the file til i get home to my boot discs. the tragedy!) and, as a result, have done nothing all week, which is kind of what i needed.
i also needed time away from emily, because we have been driving eachother up the walls lately. at the same time, even though our relationship is kind of off outside of the beloit context, it's strange not having her around 23 hours and 56 minutes per day.
it's been good, though. I stayed up all night last night at a diner with jason and emily boz, then running around newtown, swinging on the swings, and reciting return of the jedi (while watchign it, of course. and, alien languages included!)
there was so much sexual talk and frustration, but it didn't come to the fruition that i expected.
speaking of which, i've been consta-horny since the minute i stepped off the plane, for some unknown reason. even emily bozakowski! the girl whom jason said doesn't have geintals, has gotten some more recently than i have!
other than the three-hour conversation about butt sex, the closest to anything sexual i've gotten in weeks is what happened tonight, and that was an accident! :
tuneguru: dawn
tuneguru: how are you?
DonnaIsBlue: i'm alright
DonnaIsBlue: you
DonnaIsBlue: ?
tuneguru: fine
tuneguru: it's my last night here
tuneguru: u went to a diner
tuneguru: again
DonnaIsBlue: ?
tuneguru: and saw people
tuneguru: and ran into other people
tuneguru: some of whom i hadn't seen all break
tuneguru: and, my freind jenn, jumped into my arms and i closed my eyes and spun around in joy
tuneguru: and bumped her into a counter
DonnaIsBlue: lol
DonnaIsBlue: aww
tuneguru: and felt bad, so i kind of grabbed her where i hit her
tuneguru: whcih, little did i know, was her ass
tuneguru: so i kind of spun her around the diner, cupping her sore ass
DonnaIsBlue: lol
DonnaIsBlue: wow
tuneguru: until she said "sam, you're kind of holding my butt"
tuneguru: and i said, oph, i am sory
DonnaIsBlue: haha
tuneguru: and sat down feeling embarassed
DonnaIsBlue: lol
DonnaIsBlue: haha
tuneguru: yeah
tuneguru: it was good
DonnaIsBlue: whoop
i also had weird dreams last night. I slept with my windows open (because it's 75 flipping degrees out!)and it was really windy, so i had all of these dreams with tornadoes. first, i was a gangster and i was robbing a jewlery store and david cross worked there and i shot him in the ear, but the bullet flattened like when it hits kevlar and became like a 400 gauge earing. then, ben and emily (from beloit) and I went fishing and got sucked into the tornadoes. despite all of the class 5 tornado action, i only got like three hours of sleep and it's looking kind of like that for tonight.
i'm really looking forward to getting back to school with my many pounds of clean laundry and random foodstuffs. i wanted to get a ton of mallomars because these crazy midwesterners don't know what a
Mallomar is. but i didn't.
though i had:
star wars
diners in PA,
i have:
OSX boot discs (and, thus, a working computer)
Perfect Dark companions
star wars
and (hopefully) an abatement of hornball-ness awaiting me in WI.
plus, being around my mom makes me smoke and my sister is driving me a little nuts.