blessed snow day! today is acting as a beautiful buffer between school and the awe of 13 inches of snow falling over a few hours/a week of good movies and food and fun with my dad on a business trip.
one of the characters that I sometimes share charactaristics with (depressing to be around, indecisive, self-deprecating) is Piro from megatokyo. today's strip ( is funnily reminiscent of me. Piro is the boy in glasses. Anyway, read the dialogue in the first frame and you'll see one of my favorite phrases (that whole thing is kind of directed at my philosophy class)
anyway, my dad's back and we already had some fight: he said that the highest priority, before homework and everything, was to shovel the front walk. Not the deck which is wooden (will rot), floods the basement when the snow melts, and is where we spend time outside, but the little strip of cement in front of the house that leads to the front door that no one uses.
The worst is when his mom comes and we have to clean the whole house so that he looks good.
anyway, back to work and eating spice cake that my mom baked.
oh, wait, now my dad is telling me to shovel out the mailbox for the mailman. "through rain and sleet and dark of night" oh yeah? when was the last time the modern government kept a promise? the mail probably isn't coming today.
if anyone is plowed out, please call me because i kind of want to get out of the house. i promise i wont bitch at you.