brain go boom!

Jan 04, 2005 20:18

i still feel high and i haven't had anything! and i hate technology! even though it does makes thing easy but shit! fucking ipod i wanted to put some mroe music on it and it deleted EVERYTHING I HAD ON THERE! IT TOOK ME TWO DAYS TO GET ALL THAT MUSIC ON THERE!
WHY DO I HAVE TO BE BACK IN SCHOOL! i really don't want to deal with my math teacher, he's a fucking asshole. i think i'm gunna mix the coffee machine tonight so i don't have to get up at like 5 to make myself a cup of coffee, fucking school.
i would so love to stay home tomorrow and work on my story because that means more to me than anything. shit. brain go boom,
i get to do a paper on malcolm x, that should be interesting, i need to go get audio biography to read. i'm so happy that i'm gunna have time to read it. i was gunna lesson to it but somebody broke the book tape. maybe i can get enought money to go buy it and then return it.
i'm supposted to be writing thankyou letters to my family about christmas presents.
jermany, my adopted brother hit the nail on the head yesterday about my parents, they're so nice to your face so you can't help but be nice to him. then i added more on myself, they use the corestponding face with the corestponding emotion, kind like robots, they don't really feel anything but they act like they think they should. i wonder when the last time dad and eileen where really happy. dad is happy when ever eileen isn't around. she really does carry around this cloud and you get soaked if your with her.
i wonder if i can get noriage to let me work on my story at school. i need to repost my awsome paper that i accidently delected. or atleast i was really happy with it. i thought it was fucking great.
maybe i'm just changing again, i don't know if i like this change though, i think i need it. i haven't really have a personality change for a while.
i need to that some philosphy classes at pima next year.
god the work is so unclear. well lovelys later i think i'm giving up on trying to put music back on my ipod. later
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