Dec 19, 2004 02:18
As I sit at the computer and type on the keyboard the thoughts of last week's ideas for an entry permeate my mind and I am forced to write them down in this very momentous first edition of my Live Journal. No comments please, by which I mean for everyone in the known universe to comment so that I can get a feel for this thing-a-ma-jig and also feel popular. So if you know me or if even if you don't then it's nice to tell you all my thoughts and you better damn well enjoy them, every last one of them. i will have no contradictory comments made about my life's work. I am running this operation and I hereby decree this a benign dictatorship. You can call me Dictator Neil, or Captain Percival Seaward if you feel so inclined. But I digress. 'Till we meet again, Don't know where, Don't know when....and blah dee blah dee blah.