Jun 09, 2004 13:16
Grade 12 CD Cover Design Communication
Chris Edwards
1. I have designed my album for a 60's to present folk singer songwriter, Bob Dylan. I think the
visual imagery I have selected suits the music because I connect art and poetry very closely and
Bob Dylan, being a poet lacks art-sy visuals on his albums. Many just have a picture of him and I
find that boring thus choosing art-sy love illusions.
2. Bob Dylan has many love songs on this particular album and I thought instead of just a picture
of his face, I would visualize his love concepts through beautiful illusions such as the kissers on
the cd or the woman on the back cover.
3. I was thinking of how I could portray love on his album and while I was looking through my
small collection of books I came across some beautiful love portrayals in my “Great Book of
Illusions”. I really don’t think I would change my choices now that they are all down and ready.
4. The obvious way in which I linked the three parts was boldly stating “DYLAN” on each of
them. Also there is a face on each part and it is all done in black pen outlines and white
backgrounds. I also visually linked the parts by revealing a single colour to each of them in a very
small dose making it stand out more.
5. I think the biggest design challenge I found in doing this was using straight ink. At any point
could I screw up and have to scratch the whole design depending on its importance. I never really
decided to use pencil because I thought it would take away from the design if there were eraser
marks and scruffs on it. I wanted straight ink.
6. If anything about my text was used as a marketing tool, it would be the boldness of it. I like fat
bold type jobs that are easy to read on cd’s when I buy them so I did the same on my design. I
picked the easiest font to read because I hate looking deep to find something as small as a song
7. I wasn’t exactly planning on using a lot of flat lines like it did but I ended up doing it anyway.
I want to put in details afterwards but after I had the basic design layed out I really liked it. Being
that I have a new found interest in simplicity I kept it easy. I realize the idea was suppose to be of
a collage but as I tried about 3 times, I realized that wasn’t how I would want my cd designed. I
kept it simple for my liking.
8. I feel my design was successful. I got very stressed about this project because my collages
weren’t working and nothing unified at all. But when I came upon the idea of keeping it simple
and using love illusions I was really happy and knew it would work if I did it right. I feel I
captured my initial idea.
9. I think I would get a 60 because I (consciously) didn’t follow the direction of making a collage
but I feel this looks like an authentic cd cover that would be given consideration. I think I put a
lot of effort into just getting started and once I did that, the rest came fast. Although the finished
piece looks simple and easy, it took effort to align the pictures to where they would look best and
to my satisfaction. I really like this design and there isn’t much I would change other then by
making the lines more hard and solid, less messy and uneven.