The Honda curse strikes again!

May 05, 2009 18:59

Well, a mere four days after moving into our new place, I go out to my car to drive to work, and notice that something is off. The door isn't completely closed. I shrug it off as me not closing it thoroughly enough and hop in. I look over at the radio and see...nothing. No radio.

Open glove compartment, totally emptied, papers all over the passenger seat and floor...

Yep, I've been ripped off. I guess fruit baskets and casseroles aren't the standard housewarming gifts anymore...

So I get out, close the car door, walk back to the apartment and call work - I may be a bit late. Then I call Nina, simply because I was feeling really odd about the entire situation and just wanted to hear a reassuring voice. After that, I call the police - I mean, I know there's little they can do, but it's the right thing to do...'sides, with them, at least I'd have a tiny chance of seeing some results, right? So I wait for a while for the officer to show up, posting my news here and there, simply because I need something to do...

The officer gets here (he was the K-9 guy, which was cool), and checks the car out. He says I'm lucky they only took the radio, since a car much like mine was actually stolen just around the corner last night. (Later on, Nina tells me that a neighbor with an old Honda like mine had her radio stolen as well - it seems the thief has a taste for them.) He was very calm and personable - I'm used to the jackbooted Highway Patrol types, so to experience a small town cop was pretty neat, really - it kinda changed my view of law enforcement a bit.

He dusted the discarded radio frame thingie that used to hold the radio in place on the dash for prints, then dusted the door handle:

I'm not quite sure how I'm gonna get that stuff off of the paint now...

As I was watching the officer do all of this using his nifty portable evidence kit, a neighbor pulled up in his Jeep, asking what was up. I walked over and told him about my radio, and he quickly told me that such a thing was really unusual around here, and that it'd been years since the last such occurrence. He was especially earnest about making sure I knew it was a fluke after I mentioned I'd only been here for four days. He then reached behind his seat and offered me his old Jeep radio - he said he'd been carting it around for years, since he'd bought a fancier one. I found his offer quite touching, and accepted his dusty old radio, even though I knew quite well that I'd never be able to wedge that big ol' thing into the Honda's radio mount. Accepting it just seemed like the neighborly thing to do.

Aaaaanyway, he went on and on about the area and such (it seems he's one of those "chatty" neighbors), and drove off as the officer was wrapping up his evidence collecting. I was surprised at how he was really trying to find as much evidence as possible - I pretty much expected your stereotypical, "Here's your report - good luck!" experience, but seeing him really trying impressed me. Funny thing is, I never did see any "report" or paperwork - never signed anything - so hopefully it wasn't all for show.

Now, referring back to the "Honda Curse" mentioned in the title, this is the second time this car has had its radio stolen - the first time was back when it was Kari's car. Luckily, she had kept the oooold original Honda radio, and I'd left it in the trunk, so after work, I grabbed it, plugged it in, and at least now I have a functional radio. I need to figure out how to mount it properly so it stops falling out of the dash, but at least it doesn't look like something that would tempt a thief.
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