Jan 05, 2012 07:22

FYI I've been posting more short things and art on my Tumblrrrrr and links and interjections on my Twitterrr and I'm to lazy to repost over here.

So for Christmas the parents and I stayed in a friend-of-sisters empty condo since my sister's house was full. Besides my mom concluding that we were gonna be arrested when we failed with the security system (including a cop stopping by) I got a mystery rash all over my arms and chest that looks like hives.

I got the rash on the 24th-ish and it's not changed sense then. I don't tell anyone about it, It's mildly itchy but itch cream fixes it and I figure it'll clear up on its own mysterious rash agenda time. There is a tradition in my family to get weird rashes around Christmas, usually my brother. Even though I have never been allergic to any animal I had ever met, I think it's from the super-loving, fat white cat that was in the condo, who snuggled with me at night. I remember his weirdly wet nose rubbing against the skin where the rash broke out.

Then one morning after I'd returned home I realized HOLYSHIT WHAT IF ITS BEDBUGS AND I BROUGHT THEM HOME WITH ME? I freak out at this and put all my luggage in plastic bags and outside in the cold, but if bugs were in my shirt they'd already invaded. I text my sister to ask the condo owners if anyone's had bites or rashes, because if bedbugs than I need to know!

Well mom freaks out at my rash. I take Benadryl but I can't tell if it's changing and don't really care. Mom than freaks out mad at me that I didn't tell her sooner because omg the family doctors are booked and closed for New Years. We are driving to the open clinic when the doctor's office calls with an opening and we turn around and mom freaks out about scheduling to go to a dinner reservation because that's what mom does.

TL:DR: I have rash

Doctor is like "yep it's an allergic rash probablly (lol I dunno)" and perscribes me short term Prednisone, a steroid, which should clear it up.

1.) It hasn't done anything to the rash yet. is it supposed to take a while??
2.) I'd had never agreed to take it if I knew the side effects would fuck me up

I'm on pills for depression and one medication makes me pass out asleep an hour after I take it (and eat entire boxes of goldfish crackers at once in a salty snack rapture). Well it's 6:52am and I haven't slept all night. I don't not sleep. I am the sleepiest motherfucker. I did nap today. I tossed and turned for the first time in forever the last few nights, not sleeping. The sleep medicine does kick in but not as strongly.

That's not the worst part. I mention my depression because before medication one of the major problems was how insanely fucking irritable I was. Well, the last few days I've had this irrationally short fuse. Every. Tiny. Thing. pisses me off, especially if it's fucking around distractedly instead of working for The Goal. Chris had his good friend visiting and I was getting mad because they were joking around while we shopped for stuff for milkshakes. How can I get mad at ice cream?? I've kept it in check and haven't lashed out or yelled even but I have to excuse myself from, like, people talking.

Because of this, the first thing that I think is that the effectiveness of my depression medication isn't working, which would suck since I don't want doses upped any more. Chris agrees that I've been weird lately. I look up drug interactions online, then see prednisone's side effects.

Nervousness and difficulty, irritability, moodswings, etc


So I'm reading horror stories about people going crazy on prednisone. It takes no digging whatsoever to find them.

Also I'm SUPER THIRSTY which I thought was dry winter air but that's not new, probably made worse by TONS OF SWEAT. I woke myself up from dry mouth the other day. I just soaked the bed :( Grossssss.

Chris noticed a weird unlisted thing since I've taken it, which is The Goal. I normally have things I plan to do in my head, and get a little bit affronted when I can't do them. But I'm now extremely focused, working without taking breaks, fixated on One Thing that if I get pushed away from accomplishing I CAN'T STAND it. DONT stand and talk to me I have to GO. I've needed to clean the apartment , and there's this huge pile of unorganized shit in the closets and I fucking tackled that, cleaned the work room, among other stuff. Two days I worked nonstop worked on my own. I was motivated and it felt good to get it done. Chris's guests came in the middle of it, and watched me sort everything, cuz that's fun.

Since I finished the closets I've spent all my evenings learning how to use my new sewing machine via trying to sew big (3ft plus) lizard plushies (still unsuccessful). At work it's useful too. I really really needed green yarn to complete my color collection for crocheting (aka ~.*rainbow!!*.~) and I wasn't satisfied until I had it.

I've got about a week left of tapering doses, and I reaaally hope the side effects wear off with it.

fuck this drug and the bottle it came in. NOT WORTH IT.


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